Update Sulli Posts A Questionable Post Service On Instagram

Sulli posted a painting from a motion-picture demonstrate amongst caption: "Me"


Pann: Sulli's Instagram

1. [+172, -3] The motion-picture demonstrate is non something ordinary. H5N1 daughter together with a guy autumn inwards love. The guy makes her do sexual poses together with jokes together with tries to brand her a sexual practice slave. She realizes what he's doing together with falls out of the love. Sulli posted the painting of the motion-picture demonstrate together with said, "me". Isn't she basically maxim that this is her story?

2. [+153, -4] She doesn't accept a practiced human relationship amongst Choiza?

3. [+123, -6] The motion-picture demonstrate is nearly a daughter dating a guy who's obsessed amongst sex. They savour sexual practice together merely the daughter escapes later.

4. [+100, -2] I similar Sulli because she's pretty together with I don't intend she had bad personalities merely she's thoughtless together with immature. She's similar a small-scale who wants attention. I want she had or together with thus thoughts when she was posting that. Even if she didn't hateful it inwards that way, it'll nonetheless movement misunderstandings. She's nonetheless getting sexual comments together with all. It's together with thus frustrating that she's causing to a greater extent than controversies. What's incorrect amongst you, Sulli?

5. [+84, -1] An young daughter brutal inwards beloved amongst a dad-like guy together with she didn't run into things right. But instantly she's starting to wake up. Choiza is aged plenty merely he giggles equally he mentions his girl together with writes songs nearly eating together with doing it. If he actually cares for his girlfriend, he wouldn't do that. I approximate Sulli is hold out starting to run into the reality. But it'll live difficult to build clean things instantly because they already showed also much of their relationship.

6. [+72, -1] Sulli looks similar she has lack of affection. She posts a ton of selcas, she keeps showing her relationship, together with she actually likes those that adore her. She's similar an attending seeker. Why though? Didn't she grow upwards equally SM's princess?

7. [+55, -0] Sometimes, she seems similar she actually wants attention. She looks tired, I promise she gets checked at a psychiatrist, I'm serious.

8. [+48, -1] Why did she accept to tell "me"... I didn't lookout the motion-picture demonstrate merely the flush is a fighting iffy.

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