Update Chanyeol Together With Junggigo's Lovestagram

Pann: An idol's Lovestagram that gave fans a menboong (for real)

Chanyeol in addition to Junggigo posted similar pictures on Instagram in addition to liked each other's photo


1. [+107, -3] As long equally you're happy, Chanyeol-ah...

2. [+105, -2] Junggigo's approximately is Chanyeol, non Soyu?!

3. [+88, -5] This is crazy, it's in addition to then obvious

4. [+33, -0] What virtually Soyu, Junggigo-ssi

5. [+28, -3] EXO-Ls are in addition to then cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They're acting serious in addition to then it looks existent ㅋㅋ

6. [+24, -0] Today, I'm in conclusion letting you lot go... Have a happy love... I loved you..

7. [+22, -1] Woah, it's obvious. How tin laissez passer notice they openly produce it similar that... Way to backstab

8. [+21, -0] You seem similar mine exactly you lot don't seem similar mine exactly you lot seem similar mine...?

9. [+17, -0] It's alone a joke ㅋㅋ Happy novel twelvemonth

10. [+14, -14] Plot twist: what if Chanyeol is truly gay?

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