Update 3 Sayings That Volition Piss Off Idol Fans

Pann: Three things that volition piss off idol fans

1. "Omo, you're withal into idols? How sometime are you, tsk tsk. If y'all guide maintain coin to purchase idol goods, mightiness every bit good pass that coin on your parents instead. Do y'all mean value the idols volition recognize y'all simply because y'all purchase their albums in addition to attend the concerts? Do y'all truly desire to conjoin the idols in addition to materials similar that? Hul daebak ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

2. "Why create y'all similar them? Aren't they bad at singing? Do y'all withal similar them fifty-fifty though they're inwards a relationship? Don't other members date? You don't know? Maybe other members are dating, too. I'm simply curious, why are y'all mad? I'm honestly curious."

3. "Use that seek out to written report instead. You would've gone to Seoul University if y'all used that seek out to written report ㅋㅋ"


1. [+282, -17] This pisses me off the most - "even though y'all fangirl hard, the idols don't fifty-fifty know you"

2. [+218, -32] But I can't quit this stan life... I similar him a lot ㅠㅠㅠ

 Three things that volition piss off idol fans Update Three sayings that volition piss off idol fans

3. [+119, -19] I desire them to halt telling me to last practiced to my parents instead of liking idols... I create accept help of my parents... Why don't y'all worry close your ain parents instead!

4. [+54, -2] Why are y'all getting bad grades when y'all don't fifty-fifty fangirl anyone ?

5. [+47, -8] To those that are saying, "even if y'all materials similar that, the idol won't fifty-fifty know you", you've seen other people who create collections every bit their hobby, right? Do they expression to last known every bit they create that? ㅋㅋ Don't fifty-fifty speak if y'all don't know. Why create y'all bespeak to last sarcastic when I'm supporting the people that I like?

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