Update Each Fandom's Characteristics #2 (Feat. Fanwars)

Pann: Each fandom's characteristics (boy groups)

- Scary fandom
- The fans await scary because Block B's ikon is fierce
- But 1 time you lot larn to know them, they're kind

- Cool fandom
- Seungri told sasaengs to halt next him. They said ok in addition to left correct away. They don't fifty-fifty follow them inwards wintertime in addition to summertime because of the weather
- But they're scary... it's difficult to larn to know them

- Cute fandom
- Fans' anecdotes are cute in addition to funny

Inner Circle
- Kind fandom
- Barely whatever rude fans
- When EXO-L was called a bullied fandom, IC defended them

- Caring fandom (for their singers)
- They assist a lot for EXO

- Funny fandom
- Infinite is a hilarious group, in addition to and then are Inspirits


1. [+412, -535] B2uty: Number 1 fandom of the rudest. An outcasted fandom

2. [+382, -446] EXO-L has a lot of rude in addition to stupid fans ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Well, they do accept assist of their singers. But why create they assist almost other singers?

3. [+224, -564] Shawol: SHINee is objectively ugly simply they brainwash others that SHINee is handsome. They're quite sly in addition to then they remain defensive of other singers. 99% of them are Naeun antis because of WGM

4. [+112, -21] I approximate at that topographic point are many fans of SM woman somebody idols hither simply non SM manly somebody idols. EXO gets abhor everyday in addition to Shawols are starting to larn bashed. I intend fans from modest companies are ganging upwards to abhor EXO in addition to SHINee ㅋㅋ But it's non gonna alter the singers' course of teaching or anything

5. [+105, -2] Look at the best replies ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Once again, Shawols in addition to EXO-Ls larn hate

 Seungri told sasaengs to halt next him Update Each fandom's characteristics #2 (feat. Fanwars)

6. [+84, -4] Why...are..we.. considered scary? We...even...gave out oranges....

 Seungri told sasaengs to halt next him Update Each fandom's characteristics #2 (feat. Fanwars)

7. [+78, -2] (BBC) We're non a vehement fandom. We're a lovely fandom

8. [+68, -2] BBC is funny than scary ㅋㅋㅋ

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