Update T-Ara Soyeon's Confront Change

Pann: T-ara Soyeon's human face upward change


1. [+57, -20] She used to live uniquely pretty exactly now, her looks are typically pretty

2. [+53, -8] Hyomin is the daebak 1 when it comes to plastic surgery. Hyomin earlier getting operate done

 Hyomin is the daebak 1 when it comes to plastic surgical operation Update T-ara Soyeon's human face upward change

3. [+50, -7] She looks unnatural inward the 2nd concluding photo... Is it because her human face upward is however non settled?

4. [+43, -9] She's straight off a Gangnam plastic monster

 Hyomin is the daebak 1 when it comes to plastic surgical operation Update T-ara Soyeon's human face upward change

5. [+42, -16] She's however pretty... But during What Should I Do promotions, she looks weird

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