Update Taemin's Modern Dance

Pann: SHINee Taemin's modern dance
1. [+114, -10] I'm a trip the lite fantastic toe major. There are a lot of practiced dancers similar Taemin, Kai, Yunho, as well as etc. They're real practiced as well as thence people accept divided opinions on them. People commonly intend Kai is amend than Taemin because of his powerful trip the lite fantastic toe as well as facial expressions, only I prefer Taemin's trend because of his steps as well as lite dance
2. [+77, -2] I similar Taemin ♡♡♡
3. [+73, -9] He's similar a plane ㅠㅠ His trip the lite fantastic toe is soft as well as his trunk looks lite ㅠㅠ You're as well as thence beautiful, Taemin-ah
 There are a lot of practiced dancers similar Taemin Update Taemin's modern dance
4. [+38, -1] I'm an EXO-L as well as I looked upwardly to Taemin's trip the lite fantastic toe because I heard that Kai as well as Taemin trained together... I intend he's actually practiced at dancing ㅠㅠ They both know how to exhibit emotions. I don't know anything virtually dancing only they're as well as thence good. I tin say that their trip the lite fantastic toe is beautiful. Taemin jjang
5. [+34, -1] I really like his details. Like a butterfly
 There are a lot of practiced dancers similar Taemin Update Taemin's modern dance
6. [+30, -0] I heard that SM's trip the lite fantastic toe standards boosted upwardly afterwards Taemin
7. [+30, -1] SHINee comeback is needed
 There are a lot of practiced dancers similar Taemin Update Taemin's modern dance

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