Update Useless Daughter Grouping Members

Pann: I intend she's the almost useless daughter grouping member

(Pann chooses 4Minute Jihyun)


1. [+535, -192] Isn't Hyeri the most useless one?

2. [+362, -320] Naeun is the most useless one

3. [+119, -8] What has she been doing for vii years? She'd endure actually nil if she wasn't the leader. I don't loathe her or anything exactly she never improves

4. [+115, -5] She kills the atmosphere when her business office comes. She can't line off this comeback's concept similar Hyuna in addition to Jiyoon

5. [+106, -1] Other members move to brighten the atmosphere, in addition to she kills it. She cuts off the flow

6. [+104, -107] I intend Sunny is the most useless one... Is it because she got inwards through special treatment? She's nil special, including her visual

7. [+103, -42] Hyeri is the most useless one. She can't sing, can't dance, she's non a visual, in addition to she doesn't bring expert personalities, either

t loathe her or anything exactly she never improves Update Useless daughter grouping members

8. [+93, -5] Jihyun ㅋㅋㅋㅋ What was she doing for vii years?

9. [+81, -44] For manlike someone idols, Sehun is the most useless one

10. [+81, -12] I actually agree.... This nipper is then useless, she's non expert at singing, dancing, visual, body, or anything

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