Update Choding Couples These Days

(Choding = unproblematic schoolhouse kid)
Pann: Choding couples these days
1. [+305, -3] It reminds me of this anecdote. Someone walking on a street in addition to a choding couplet was fighting. The daughter broke upward amongst the man child in addition to he punched the wall every bit he said, "fuck, I actually loved her..."
2. [+243, -3] Reminds me of a story. Someone was buying a shrimp burger in addition to a choding daughter was maxim to her boyfriend, "it's non gonna alter anything. I'm gonna leave." The man child was like, "hah fuck... I honey you.... I actually honey you, stupid!!!!" The mortal dropped their shrimp burger ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+220, -3] The boy's parents volition faint if they run into this
4. [+97, -0]
Girl: "Hey, you lot weren't fifty-fifty on Kakaostory in addition to you lot didn't comment on my posts. What accept you lot been doing?"
Boy: "Ah... My hyung asked me to play Maplestory amongst him thus I was gaming... Sorry..."
Girl: "Can't you lot simply turn down him? How onetime is the hyung?"
Boy: "He's... inwards degree 7"
Girl: "Does he accept nada else to create amongst that age?"
5. [+72, -0] My choding days were rattling innocent...
6. [+45, -1] H5N1 choding daughter dumped her fellow in addition to he clung on her. She said, "then you lot tin endure my second" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
7. [+43, -0] When I was a choding, I didn't fifty-fifty know the beingness of a fellow in addition to a girlfriend. I was an idiot. To me, everybody was my friend ㅋㅋ
8. [+42, -0] What crap is this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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