Update The Dorsum Blueprint Of Galaxy S6 Revealed

 They position downwards iPhone in addition to then much in addition to notwithstanding they Update The dorsum blueprint of Milky Way S6 revealed

Article: The dorsum blueprint of Milky Way S6 revealed... "6.9mm thick"

Source: Asia Economics via Nate

1. [+172, -16] They position downwards iPhone in addition to then much in addition to notwithstanding they're copying iPhone's assembled battery...

2. [+148, -7] The battery is assembled???

3. [+23, -4] They're giving upwards the solely wages of Android, tsk tsk


Source: Nate

1. [+589, -30] Why did they convey to brand the battery assembled...

2. [+472, -44] Such fuckers. Who's going to purchase the hollo when the fellowship treats domestic customers equally idiots? I'd rather purchase an iPhone than a Samsung hollo if the battery is assembled

3. [+352, -51] Can they delight larn rid of the fellowship advert inward the forepart in addition to the hollo innovation fellowship advert inward the back?

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