Update Daydreams At School

Pann: What are your daydreams at school

1. [+171, -3] "Does my instructor convey a husband? I intend she does. Then she must convey kids. Then she must've had sex. Oh, I shouldn't move thinking this, let's calm down." I halt upwardly having erotic thoughts

2. [+98, -2] I imagine idols having a surprise watch to my schoolhouse to celluloid a demonstrate ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+70, -3] I imagine the fourth dimension stopping as well as me wandering roughly the schoolhouse lonely ㅋㅋ

4. [+59, -0] Don't you lot convey erotic thoughts as well as you lot halt yourself because you're scared that others powerfulness read your mind? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+23, -0] Am I the alone 1 who daydreams erotic stuff?

6. [+22, -0] I'm determined to catch my backpack and function if the schoolhouse is on burn downward ㅋㅋ

7. [+22, -0] My instructor would erase the board as well as at that spot volition move a few spots that are non erased... I stare at it because I desire to erase it

8. [+21, -1] "Why was I born"

9. [+21, -0] Ending good alongside my crush

10. [+20, -0] Democratic People's South Korea attacks alongside a nuclear bomb, I plow out to convey a supernatural ability then I halt the bomb. I convey Avengers' thoughts

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