Update My Mad Fatty Diary

Pann: Does anybody know this?


1. [+103, -3] The guy insulted Asians in addition to hence he's called "handsome idiot" inward Korea

2. [+87, -2] Anybody know Skins?

3. [+55, -3] I used to sentinel it simply I stopped later hearing that he insulted Asians

4. [+19, -1] The manly individual atomic number 82 is an asshole that insulted Asians

5. [+15, -0] He's handsome simply he insulted Asians... Made me lose all my involvement inward him

6. [+13, -0] It's a practiced drama for fatty women. You'll attain confidence. As I was watching it, it reminded me of an obese friend. I wanted to recommend this to her simply I didn't because it mightiness wound her feelings

7. [+8, -0] Skins is the best

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