Update Amanda Seyfried Gets Criticized For Her Behavior

Pann: Amanda Seyfried looking pretty despite her messy hair


1. [+67, -4] So cute

 Amanda Seyfried looking pretty despite her messy pilus Update Amanda Seyfried gets criticized for her behavior

2. [+39, -4] So pretty

 Amanda Seyfried looking pretty despite her messy pilus Update Amanda Seyfried gets criticized for her behavior

3. [+27, -2] Her body, wow.

4. [+18, -2] To me, this was the around shocking. In her interview, she said thus many times that she never smoked but the paparazzi caught her smoking. She was hiding inwards a commons non to teach caught but she ended upwards getting caught. Hate her.

 Amanda Seyfried looking pretty despite her messy pilus Update Amanda Seyfried gets criticized for her behavior

5. [+15, -1] *What Amanda Seyfried did*

1. She said she wanted to celluloid Les Miserables inwards a porno version of having gender activity with family. She got bashed thus much. Tumblr complained her, maxim how she would desire to position downward a deplorable as well as touching movie.

2. She got a tattoo maxim "minge" (it agency vagina) on her foot, as well as on Letterman, she said "to travel honest I got this tattoo also on my individual part." She would travel ok if she doesn't order anything but she keeps getting criticisms with her stupid mouth.

3. Her instagram ID is also "mingey" (it agency vagina hair).

4. She had a one-night scandal with Ryan Phillippe. Amanda as well as Ryan went on a cloak-and-dagger trip to French Republic Paris, as well as at that time, both Amanda as well as Ryan had their ain lovers. They were defendant of going on the trip for one-night stand, as well as they didn't clarify anything. It ended upwards beingness true.

5. She said her bra size is C, but wanted it to travel D. She also said women get got to get got large breasts to travel attractive.. Such a thoughtless statement.

6. She said that when her domestic dog dies, she volition teach far taxidermied as well as volition display it inwards her house. She said all taxidermied animals are rattling amazing as well as that she gets excited when she sees a dead animal. Of course, she got bashed but she after went on as well as displayed taxidermied materials inwards her house. 

7. In an interview, she all of a abrupt took nascence command pills as well as lexapro. It's non incorrect to get got them, but how tin she get got them inwards a midpoint of an interview... She gets called "weirdo" as well as "crazy" overseas, as well as this proves how she's called past times them.

8. During Dear John, she decribed Channing Tatum every bit "a perfect guy who makes every daughter to get got gender activity with him." fifty-fifty though no 1 asked. 

9. In an interview for Lovelace, she said she actually loved filming gender activity scenes, it was on a magazine.

10. Recently, she was form inwards a +19 rated movie, Ted 2. She appealed that she wanted to star inwards the motion-picture demonstrate rattling much. In Ted 1, at that spot were thus many scenes of gender activity jokes as well as uncomfortable scenes.

11. She said she started watching porns since she was 8. The host was surprised but she went on, "a guy's penis was rattling graphical as well as interesting". It became a large theme as well as was a headline of newspapers.

12. She fifty-fifty drank alcohol inwards the midpoint of an interview.

13. The producer of Red Riding Hood, Katherin McNamara criticized Amanda, maxim "if Amanda is around you, she mightiness spit on you lot or bear rudely." She thus all of a abrupt said "but that's her charm". But nosotros tin yet come across that Amanda doesn't get got pleasant personalities.

14. Amanda sometimes swore as well as misbehaved inwards interviews thus a Tumblr guide said "I want Amanda would halt coming on verbalize shows. I want to come across her inwards movies only."

6. [+12, -2] I saw her at Les Miserables press preview inwards LA as well as idea she was rude. It looked similar she was also lazy to hand the autographs. She rushed to practice them as well as barely smiled. The manlike somebody histrion kept grinning as well as Hugh Jackman as well as Anne Hathaway were all sort but Amanda was the solely 1 looking displeased as well as she avoided all the eye-contacts as well as pretended to verbalize to other people. Other foreigners were around me felt it also as well as they were similar "what's incorrect with her?" I thus flora out her personalities were trash.

7. +8, -2] I ever felt this when watching Amanda's interviews - she seems immature. She gives random answers as well as says gender activity jokes as well as swears.. I get-go savage for her human face upwards but I disliked her after watching her behavior.. 

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