Update Korean Fans React To International Fans' Reactions To Mr Mr Past Times Snsd

Pann: International fans' reactions to Mr Mr

(This poster had translated international fans' reactions below)

Source: http://kayoforum.net/threads/honest-opinion-on-mr-mr.23241


1. [+54, -39] Don't guess it alongside negative reactions only. Most of Youtube comments were positive. Personally, the vocal is improve than I Got a Boy.

2. [+53, -54] I similar it though.

3. [+52, -52] I genuinely similar it? The Boys in addition to I Got a Boy sounded likewise potent but this vocal is good. I don't similar songs alongside huge sounds.

4. [+21, -14] You entirely chose to postal service negative reactions. All of the Youtube comments said the vocal was good. I also intend it's good.

5. [+19, -0] For me, I don't similar the song... It's nearly personal preferences. You don't bring to bash someone only because they don't similar the song.

6. [+15, -0] What's alongside your translations?

7. [+12, -3] Honestly I intend people enjoin the vocal is skillful only because it's SNSD. If an unpopular daughter grouping released this, it wouldn't bring gotten popular. The vocal doesn't bring whatever impacts.

8. [+12, -2] I personally similar it much to a greater extent than than I Got a Boy. And based on the Youtube comments, alot of international fans liked Mr Mr, too. Why are you lot bullshitting alongside negative responces tsk tsk.

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