Update Sulli's Beauty Awes K-Fans

Pann: Sulli's appearance inward existent life... what the hell


1. [+90, -14] I was adjacent to her class. Whenever Sulli was at school, I idea a doll was walking around. She was the prettiest idol inward my school.

2. [+84, -19] You actually accept to acknowledge her face. She's super pretty...

3. [+72, -23] You actually can't bash Sulli alongside her face... She looks in addition to then pretty irl.

4. [+43, -54] I intend she's the prettiest idol... I'd rather accept her human face upwards than Kim Taehee's.

5. [+41, -6] People scope Suzy is prettier than Sulli but inward price of beauty, Sulli is prettier. It's merely that Suzy's start out impression is proficient piece Sulli looks similar she'd accept unpleasant personalities. 

6. [+40, -17] I'm actually ill of the best comment... Saying you lot accept to acknowledge her human face upwards in addition to that you lot can't bash alongside her face. Well I know she's pretty but I abhor people proverb that. People accept their ain gustatory modality in addition to then why does everyone accept to process Sulli similar a god? Don't forcefulness your idea into others.

7. [+31, -6] There's no such matter every mo "hair buff" to her.

 She was the prettiest idol inward my schoolhouse Update Sulli's beauty awes K-fans

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