Update Things Are Difficult Amongst Exo Fanboys

Pann: Freaking pissed at Ivy Club

(Ivy Club is a construct for schoolhouse uniforms. They give EXO posters to their customers every bit a promotional event.)

I'm a manful somebody fan of EXO.
Today, I went to Ivy Club to purchase my schoolhouse uniform as well as it was packed amongst as well as thence many people.
I waited for an hr as well as in conclusion bought my uniform but the cashier didn't give me the EXO poster!
But in that place were as well as thence many people around as well as thence I asked every bit quietly every bit possible, "um.. excuse me... aren't you lot supposed to give me the EXO poster...?" as well as the cashier said, "ah! are you lot talking virtually the EXO poster?! Sorry, nosotros don't choose it inwards our store." The cashier said it as well as thence loudly as well as thence everybody turned as well as looked at me... 
I've never been as well as thence embarrassed inwards my life. Someone salve me.

A proof that my post service is non mistaken - this is the uniform I bought as well as my ugly hand. And I abide by EXO every bit a fan It's non similar I choose weird thoughts virtually Kyungsoo.

(This person's Pann username is "Kyungsoo amongst broad shoulders" LOL)


1. [+173, -1] You should've simply said "my sis asked for it" ㅋㅋ

2. [+115, -3] First fourth dimension seeing a manful somebody fan... It's cool.

3. [+96, -3] Hul... a manful somebody fan...

4. [+47, -1] I idea all guys loathe EXO.....

 They give EXO posters to their customers every bit a promotional effect Update Things are difficult amongst EXO fanboys

5. [+42, -1] A.... a manful somebody fan...!!

 They give EXO posters to their customers every bit a promotional effect Update Things are difficult amongst EXO fanboys

6. [+40, -0] I'm a manful somebody fan, likewise ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I couldn't fifty-fifty convey myself to enquire for the poster, fuck.

7. [+40, -0] I'm a manful somebody fan, too. I ran to the Ivy Club as well as thence difficult to instruct the poster. But when I got there, it was as well as thence embarrassing to enquire for it ㅋㅋ So I pretended to hold out calling someone as well as said "what? Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 poster? Why should I instruct that? Ugh, OK, I'll enquire for it." I hung upwards as well as asked the cashier for the poster as well as got it. ㅋㅋㅋ But the cashier seemed to know I was faking.... I've never acted as well as thence passionately inwards my life ㅋㅋㅋㅋ My bias is Lay but it's non similar I choose weird thoughts virtually him, I similar him every bit a respectful fan.

8. [+33, -1] You seem to similar Kyungsoo ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm as well as thence touched sob sob ㅠㅠ

 They give EXO posters to their customers every bit a promotional effect Update Things are difficult amongst EXO fanboys

9. [+31, -1] What's incorrect amongst the best replies, I'm a manful somebody fan, too... It's simply that manful somebody fans don't speak up. EXO has alot of fanboys.

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