Update The Argue Why Kim Gun 2Nd Got Rid Of His Fanclub

Instiz: The argue why Kim Gun Mo got rid of his fanclub

I got rid of my fanclub. When my fans were students, they were welcome to come upwardly to my concerts. I encouraged them to also focus on studying. But equally I've been working equally a vocaliser for 23 years, my fanclub grew old, too. The fans got employed, got married, in addition to also had kids. The fans would come upwardly to my concerts alongside their babies. My concerts were equally good loud for the babies. I asked them where their husbands were, in addition to they said, "he's at home." I realized that this was wrong. As I was doing a nationwide tour, they came along alongside their babies, to Seoul, Daegu, Daejun, Kwangjoo, in addition to Busan! I decided that I should non disturb mortal else's solid unit of measurement in addition to hence I got rid of my fanclub.

My fans are skilful drinkers. We used to consider upwardly to convey drinks. Our coming together would start alongside my get-go drink. But afterwards xxx minutes, my fans would instruct drunkard start crying in addition to whining virtually their lives. They would pay nix attending to me. Basically, they came to the meetings but to drink!! So I decided that I should also instruct rid of this.

"Dear fanclub, delight heighten your kids first. And when at that spot was a novel pretty fan, why did y'all convey to boot her out? Why did y'all guys great her to boot her out? They can't stand upwardly it when there's a pretty fan! They great her until she's out! I'm serious!"


- ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They await in addition to hence roughly each other. Good to see

- I promise SHINee would also endure similar that inwards the future...
-- Taemin is 23 years onetime in addition to Kim Gun Mo has been a vocaliser for 23 years... He's amazing

- This in addition to hence funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- They've been together for such a long fourth dimension ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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