Update Comparisons Of Suzy, Sulli, Too Yoona's Singing

Pann: [Question] Please rank Suzy, Sulli, together with Yoona's singing


1. [+104, -35] Suzy >>>> Wall >>> Sulli, Yoona

2. [+99, -20] I don't know the worst 1 but Suzy is the best one

3. [+82, -77] It's such an embarrassment for Suzy ㅋㅋ How dare y'all compare her to Yoona together with Sulli? I'm already frustrated that she's beingness compared to their looks but immediately they're fifty-fifty comparison singing

4. [+34, -4] Suzy is the primary vocalist inwards Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 together with she sung a several OSTs. She likewise did a duet alongside Bernard Park. Watch her singing Younha's vocal on Healing Camp. She likewise sung alive on radio many times

5. [+33, -2] Suzy >>> Sulli > Yoona. Sulli together with Yoona are at the same score but Sulli's vox is unique, at least

6. [+23, -0] I'm a non-fan. I intend Suzy is the best 1 together with Sulli is meliorate than Yoona

7. [+22, -8] Ugh fuck ㅋㅋ Just because Suzy is equally pretty equally Sulli together with Yoona, it doesn't hateful that her singing is equally bad equally them. Suzy wanted to conk a vocalist because she liked singing. Suzy >> Wall >> Sulli because of her vox > Yoona

8. [+21, -18] You should compare satelite together with Taeyeon to Suzy because they're likewise primary vocalists. Taeyeon > satelite >>>>> Wall >>>> Suzy

9. [+19, -0] Suzy sang a few songs for Dream High together with Sulli sings inwards f(x)'s songs sometimes. But Yoona raps inwards SNSD ㅋㅋ "I'm surprised, I'm having a menboong "

10. [+18, -4] If Miss A's primary vocalist is Suzy, together with thus only how terrible are the other members?

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