Update Cube Song Line

Pann: I intend Cube song draw of piece of occupation is talented

B2ST Yoseob

4Minute Gayoon

BTOB Eunkwang

Apink Eunji


1. [+244, -9] Other members that are non the principal vocalists are besides talented, peculiarly B2ST as well as BTOB

2. [+233, -22] I intend B2ST as well as BTOB are all talented. For 4Minute, Hyuna is an amazing dancer. For Apink, Eunji, Bomi, as well as Namjoo tin sing

3. [+224, -6] The mutual trait of Cube kids: they better their talent throughout

4. [+108, -1] B2ST as well as BTOB members tin all sing. Even the rappers, Junhyung as well as Minhyuk, tin sing

5. [+93, -0] Cube kids are really talented ㅋㅋ They're adept at casting

6. [+82, -1] BTOB doesn't accept a fellow member who can't sing. Even the rapper Minhyuk tin sing

7. [+69, -1] Cube is talented overall. For example, B2ST as well as BTOB's song lines are every mo adept every mo the principal vocalists as well as the rappers tin besides sing. I intend Cube is actually adept at casting talented kids

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