Update T-Ara Boram's Small-Scale Contribution Inwards T-Ara Songs

Pann: Collection of T-ara Boram's parts.txt

Day By Day - You who disappeared similar air current I mean value of you lot everyday twenty-four threescore minutes menstruum yesteryear twenty-four threescore minutes menstruum (10 seconds)

Lovey Dovey - You must last then happy (2 seconds)

Ya Ya Ya - woohi woohihihihi (1 second)

Cry Cry - Let's Dance (1 second)

TTL - no parts

Lies - Were you lot individual similar that, individual who left coldly (7 seconds)

I Go Crazy Because of You - Feel me amongst my scent. You're a sexy shadow, surrounding me (10 seconds)

Roly Poly - I desire to stand upwards beside you lot exactly I don't convey the courage then my oculus is shaking today is weird, I'm nervous because I'm seeing you lot (15 seconds)

Like the First Time - It's non my initiatory of all honey then it's non innocent / Were you lot solely loving yesteryear words / What's a existent honey / allow me experience it (15 seconds)

Bo Peep - You're instantly telling me that you're tired of me, don't last mad bo peep bo peep oh / You're telling me you're sick of me, don't last mad bo peep bo peep bo peep oh (20 seconds)

In total, she sang for 1 infinitesimal 44 seconds inwards all of the promoted songs


1. [+65, -3] She's lucky... She's short, ugly as well as she can't sing exactly she got into T-ara as well as got prettier because of her dad...

2. [+59, -4] So the matter she did the close equally a vocalist was to breathe?

3. [+42, -2] It's obvious, she wasn't given many parts because she can't sing. Is at that spot anything she contributed inwards T-ara? It would last the same if she wasn't inwards T-ara.

4. [+19, -1] I lol'ed at "woohihihihi" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+17, -1] She couldn't sing inwards the outset surely exactly later on T-ara got bashed for the bullying incident, she seemed to convey skillful her butt off. In I Know the Feeling, she sang many parts as well as fifty-fifty sang the chorus. But fifty-fifty though they essay difficult similar this, they're screwed.

6. [+9, -1] I was actually shocked when I heard she was the same historic menstruum equally BoA. Was I the solely 1 who didn't know this before? I idea she was inwards her early on 20's. Is it because she's then skinny?

7. [+9, -1] Woohi Woohihihihi ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Are those the actual lyrics?

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