Update Ellen Page Reveals That She's Gay

Pann: Ellen Page, who late came out equally gay

Recently, she gave a spoken communication at a forum of human rights in addition to revealed she's gay. She too said she attended the forum for gays.


1. [+149, -79] She's in addition to therefore pretty. Western countries are open-minded in addition to therefore alot of people discover they're gay... I wishing our province was gratis similar that.

2. [+135, -41] I envy that she's able to come upwardly out to Earth in addition to smile.

3. [+77, -63] It doesn't await weird, it looks cool.

4. [+35, -21] It's a human liking around other human, zip different. Have a beautiful relationship.

5. [+34, -12] Even though she'll too become disliked for coming out, she yet decided to speak up, it's in addition to therefore cool.

6. [+33, -13] People intend gay actors inwards other countries are cool, but gay celebrities inwards Korea become criticisms in addition to bashing comments in addition to they're viewed equally weird. Such double standards.

7. [+27, -7] She looks similar an elf, in addition to therefore pretty. It's skilful that she's confidently coming out.

8. [+24, -11] I wishing gays inwards our province would last able to come upwardly out confidently in addition to I promise they dear themselves more. They should know they bring the correct to dear individual but similar everybody else.

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