Robert Pattinson Confirmed For Novel 'Batman'

Article: 'Twilight' Robert Pattinson confirmed for novel 'Batman'

Source: My Daily via Nate

1. [+994, -12] I mean value he suits Joker to a greater extent than than Batman.

2. [+803, -34] Huh? It's... a petty bad...

3. [+752, -13] I all the same can't forget Christian Bale inwards Batman Begins ㅠㅠ

4. [+44, -0] His Twilight ikon is likewise strong. I mean value he'll travel a vampire bat.

5. [+43, -0] Ever since Christian Bale inwards Batman, no other histrion seems to adapt Batman. Marvel sticks alongside 1 histrion fifty-fifty later 10 years but DC ever changes the histrion including Superman.

6. [+39, -0] It looks similar Edward cosplaying equally Batman.

7. [+27, -0] Batman needs to bring a dignified charm, I mean value he's likewise immature for the role.

8. [+25, -0] Christian Bale suited Batman the most.

9. [+19, -0] It's a vampire bat.

10. [+18, -0] It's merely Edward wearing a Batman costume ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

11. [+16, -0] I mean value it'll travel a gay Batman...

12. [+15, -0] Marvel's casting is flawless... Marvels turns the histrion into the character.

13. [+14, -0] Isn't it a big downgrade?

14. [+13, -0] No 1 tin surpass Bale in addition to Ledger.

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