Op Complains Most Getting X1 Album For Donating Blood

"I came to donate blood in addition to I got an album of a man child grouping called X1 or something. The nurse must've felt ridiculous to live on giving a man child group's album to a guy... Can yous f*cking fangirls non dump your garbage here? If yous don't accept a pot stand, brand certain to donate blood in addition to teach one."

OP: They volition give yous 1 no affair what
User: You can't state no?
OP: She shovelled it into my hands without asking


Pann: Idol goods that yous teach for donating blood

1. [+150, -1] The fans must've donated their albums after bulk-buying them You won't similar it unless you're a fan.

2. [+120, -3] The fansite masters purchase a bunch of albums in addition to and then donate the residue equally a agency to promote.

3. [+77, -0] Hul, they give out albums.

4. [+60, -2] Are the fans clearing out their stocks? I'd desire one.

5. [+55, -5] There was a worker who asked fans to terminate donating idol albums in addition to it became controversial. Organizations similar that can't turn down donations. Idol fans purchase a bunch of albums to become to the fansigns in addition to and then they donate thousands of albums to those blood centers. They said it's difficult to teach rid of the albums afterwards. Honestly, who volition similar those albums unless you're a fan?

6. [+48, -2] You'll experience actually upset if yous teach 1 because there's solely the CD in addition to photograph volume without whatever other content ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The fans must live on selling the contents. A lot of them are also damaged, too. They donate the albums because they accept to dump them somewhere... Don't fifty-fifty telephone phone that a donation. Unless you're a fan, yous won't live on happy to live on getting 1 of those in addition to it goes into the trash.

7. [+43, -28] You won't similar it if you're non a fan only you'll desire 1 if you're a fan.

8. [+31, -0] Donation, my a$$ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They bulk-buy the albums in addition to and then dump them there. Are they shameless?

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