Nct Taeyong Insulted A Gay Pupil Inwards Graduation Album?

"I had fun times amongst everyone together with everyone had a skillful personality. I believe you'll all succeed simply (student's name) won't because he's gay. I guarantee it." - Lee Tae Yong


Pann: NCT Taeyong insults homosexuals

1. [+220, -13] "Everybody volition succeed simply you lot never volition because you're gay"? Is he crazy? Super G is to advance into the U.S.A. together with thus I'm certain the U.S.A. is sensitive most things similar this. His character...

2. [+183, -5] The victim of trunk shaming past times Taeyong is also trying to larn an apology simply SM is ignoring her.

3. [+163, -8] He sexually harassed 2NE1, too. Someone said they liked 2NE1's video together with Taeyong replied together with said they must similar porn.

4. [+95, -1] He wrote this on a graduation album where everybody tin see. The individual who publicized this is a sexual minority. Even if the educatee wasn't genuinely gay, Taeyong is yet punishable for defamation of character. Taeyong is a criminal.

5. [+90, -0] "You'll never succeed because you're gay ㅋㅋㅋㅋ" He's totally insane.

6. [+86, -0] Why produce the fans endeavor to claim that he apologized ㅋㅋ Of class he should apologize. Even if he's forgiven, his fault yet doesn't disappear. Taeyong said he's inwards hurting from the guilt simply he genuinely didn't apologize to his victims? You guys abhor it when nosotros nation NCT won't succeed because of Taeyong, simply you lot should hold upward behaving better.

7. [+72, -0] I tin solely mean value of karma when I meet him. He used to body-shame girls together with straight off he's getting insulted for his proportions. He said the educatee won't succeed because he's gay together with straight off people are criticizing him for beingness the argue for his group's failure.

8. [+71, -1] He wrote that on a graduation album? The gay comment is gross plenty simply isn't that literally a curse?

9. [+58, -1] I tin meet his character. Why produce people similar him?

10. [+52, -0] He didn't succeed fifty-fifty though he's non gay.

11. [+45, -0] His fans said he cried together with apologized, together with thus I watched the video. He didn't specify anyone, he said ambiguously that he was deplorable to those who were hurt. His principal indicate was thanking the members for believing him.

12. [+42, -3] The argue why NCT is flopping.

13. [+42, -0] It's non a error he made from beingness unaware. He did that because he's genuinely a genuinely bad person. The fact that he fifty-fifty idea of proverb things similar this is terrible.

14. [+34, -3] Hong Konger Lucas together with the bulk of Chinese members back upward the Chinese regime every bit well. I detect NCT's advert disgusting already.

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