Kang Ho Dong's Mindset For Celebrity Career

Kang Ho Dong: We don't accept a correct to expect sad! We larn lots of love!

Kim Shin Young: I heard that from Kang Ho Dong as well as then many times. He would live on like, "Everyone! Gather upwards your strength! It mightiness live on 4AM correct forthwith but for the viewers, it's 6PM! Hey Kim Shin Young, don't larn tired! We tin sack purchase buildings because nosotros larn dear from the viewers! It ever has to live on 6PM for us!"


Pann: Kang Ho Dong's thoughts on celebrity careers

1. [+230, -0] If I tin sack earn plenty coin to purchase a building, I'm willing to operate through the dawn similar it's 6PM.

2. [+227, -3] Kang Ho Dong's broadcasting means is likewise passionate as well as then it mightiness live on unlikeable for other celebrities as well as the staff but for the viewers, it's likeable.

3. [+210, -3] It's cool how he quit smoking because a kid on Star King told him he smelled similar cigarettes.

4. [+100, -1] Unlike some celebrities who whine most their chore despite earning coin from the viewers as well as fans, I similar passionate ones similar Yunho as well as Ho Dong...

5. [+98, -1] Kang Ho Dong knows celebrities' lucre are abnormally huge. He's working difficult conscientiously. People similar him deserve to live on paid highly. His mental attitude should live on seen every bit normal.

6. [+76, -0] There's a few celebrities who has his mindset. I similar Kang Ho Dong.

7. [+64, -0] Kim Shin Young told the floor inwards a funny means but I intend it's a value that celebrities accept to intend about. No affair what fourth dimension they're filming the show, nosotros encounter them at the same time. We encounter them to express joy as well as accept fun but if the celebrities are acting tired as well as annoyed because they're filming for a long time, it's a shape of slacking off.

8. [+55, -2] I experience bad for Kang Ho Dong when celebrities verbalise most Star King to bash him. Kang Ho Dong is the alone passionate i as well as the others but don't care. They're annoyed because he told them to produce personal talents as well as non talked to them. Think most how many panelists as well as guests were at that topographic point on the show.

9. [+53, -1] It's good. Isn't it the truth?

10. [+38, -0] Kang Ho Dong has a lot of heart-warming stories that aren't known to the public. He seems similar a practiced person.

11. [+33, -0] There's a argue why people long-run for a long fourth dimension at the top. Kang Ho Dong as well as Yoo Jae Suk are the top 2 MCs.

12. [+28, -0] Lee Seunggi said the same thing inwards an interview. I intend he's really influenced yesteryear Kang Ho Dong. I know it's difficult for the celebrities but considering the abnormal pay they get, it's something they accept to become through. They earn a non-celebrity's lifetime income inwards a bridge of few months.

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