Highlight Yoseob Spotted Standing Guard At A Queer Parade

Pann: Celebrity who was at a queer parade yesterday

1. [+83, -3] Is the individual side yesteryear side to him also a celebrity? He's standing beside Yang Yoseob but his caput size is all the same surviving.

2. [+69, -95] Look at his facial aspect ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+53, -22] The traffic was completely blocked because of that f*cking parade.

4. [+26, -0] The individual side yesteryear side to him isn't Lee Kikwang. He finished his preparation non likewise long ago.

5. [+23, -1] If they desire to concur a parade, they shouldn't live on a nuisance at least. They were a big nuisance.

6. [+23, -0] Is that Lee Kikwang side yesteryear side to Yang Yoseob? He looks similar him amongst the mask on.

7. [+17, -0] When Yang Yoseob was on a vacation, he got song preparation ㅠㅠ He's a truthful singer.

8. [+17, -0] I become to a schoolhouse most Gwanghwamun as well as there's ever a bunch of policemen there. I could've passed yesteryear Yang Yoseob at only about indicate ㅋㅋ

9. [+15, -0] Yang Yoseob is working hard...

10. [+13, -0] Wow, his face... He's non fifty-fifty smiling. His armed forces mindset is cool.

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