Suzy Wears A Unique Wearing Clothing To An Event

Pann: Whereabouts of Suzy inwards a unique dress

1. [+77, -4] I tin never empathize fashion. Is that clothing actually considered pretty? I tin solely notice Suzy's face.

2. [+40, -6] I run across this clothing a lot, I retrieve it's a tendency ㅋㅋㅋ But I tin solely run across Suzy's face.

3. [+27, -23] Both Suzy in addition to the clothing are pretty.

4. [+23, -0] Looks similar Kim Kardashian's dress.

5. [+22, -5] It looks pretty because it's Suzy.

6. [+18, -2] Am I the solely i who finds the clothing pretty? Suzy's human face upwards was e'er pretty.

7. [+14, -1] The clothing looks pretty because Suzy is tall in addition to thin. For most people, it'll await similar a duck.

8. [+13, -1] I tin empathize what it agency when people tell "the human face upwards carried the outfit".

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