Secretary Of Defence Strength Considers Granting Bts Particular Perks During Their Regular Army Service

Article: Secretary of Defense, "When BTS enlists, nosotros are considering allowing them fourth dimension to rehearse too perform overseas"

Source: No Cut News via Naver

1. [+198, -6] The members receive got already said that they are going to serve too fifty-fifty their fans are telling them to thus why is the regular army making upwardly all these arbitrary decisions on their own? Stop using celebrities every bit your pawns.

2. [+81, -0] Sounds similar they're only going to role the group's service for gratis attendance of national events too fifty-fifty receive got them performing overseas to choose inward money. This is terrible!!!!!

3. [+69, -15] They should all only enlist at once... too they should last treated no differently from whatever other soldier inward service. 

4. [+44, -2] Enough alongside this nonsense. They never said they weren't planning to serve, they've ever said they were create to become whenever they're called. Enough alongside the media play.

5. [+16, -0] Just actually sounds similar the military machine is trying to role them for gratis for their ain benefit.. but they're trying to beak every bit if they had to push clit to a greater extent than or less strings to teach them these perks that no 1 asked for!!! Just permit them serve inward the regular army unremarkably too become on break.

6. [+15, -0] Since the police push clit says you're non allowed to concur a undertaking or last paid for a undertaking spell nether service, who volition last accepting the coin they'll last making if they're allowed to perform overseas? The release volition plainly last inward the millions similar a shot into the pockets of our government? 

7. [+11, -1] We're correct dorsum to foursquare 1 past times making celebrity soldiers a affair again... tsk tsk

8. [+10, -2] I'm starting to experience bad for them because it sounds similar the regular army is actually going to attempt to mash every ounce out of them past times making them cinema all sorts of promotional textile for them for free. If you're going to brand them serve, only permit them produce thus quietly, too if you're going to grant them exemptions, too thus only produce it already...

9. [+5, -0] I actually receive got a feeling that the regular army is going to move them similar slaves past times forcing them to perform at all of their promotional events 

10. [+7, -3] Army service is everyone's duty, no 1 should last given exceptions


Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

1. [+310] What's alongside all this beak when BTS themselves receive got already said they're going to serve?????

2. [+220] So many words for thus much bullsh*t

3. [+135] Then all idols should last given the same exceptions

4. [+127] BTS already said they're going to go... alongside thus many people making decisions for them, I'd last likewise scared to fifty-fifty beak most the regular army if I were BTS

5. [+197] So what does the regular army desire from them? Go out too brand coin for them but also produce move for them inward the regular army too?

6. [+113] Just delight permit them serve their ii years quietly. This nuna volition last correct hither waiting.

7. [+77] I don't teach why they're dragging their feet alongside this conclusion when BTS already said they were going to serve. Just permit them serve build clean too fair.

8. [+45] Then what the f*ck, these exceptions should last granted to all manly somebody Korean idols too

9. [+64] They already said they're going to serve. Sounds similar the government's only scared that they won't last generating coin for them spell they're serving.

10. [+18] I'm an Army too I intend granting these perks volition last a negative influence on their service


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