Cartoons That Had Ugly Manful Someone Leads Merely Were Hits

The Kindaichi Case Files

Shin Chan

Detective Conan


One Piece


Pann: Cartoons that had ugly manly someone leads but were hits

1. [+204, -2] Conan is ugly? Are yous stupid?

2. [+186, -1] Conan is ugly? His adult version is actually handsome.

3. [+174, -1] Conan is ugly? Conan is real handsome, though.

4. [+76, -2] Luffy is ugly? The pictures inwards a higher house are an sometime version but he's non ugly ㅠㅠ

5. [+64, -0] Flustered at Conan together with 1 time again flustered at Luffy.

6. [+60, -0] Adult Conan is together with then handsome!!

7. [+47, -0] Meanwhile, nobody is shielding Nobita Nobi ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's such an unlikeable lead.

8. [+35, -0] I mean value Conan together with Luffy are fine.

9. [+33, -1] Shin Chan is a cutie.

10. [+33, -0] What did yous merely tell to Conan?

11. [+27, -0] Kindaichi is actually smart. I mean value the Pb of Doraemon is Doraemon? ㅋㅋㅋ Conan is handsome. Luffy is actually rigid together with he's non that ugly ㅋㅋㅋ

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