How Minor Is The Public Inward The Universe?

The public together with the moon

Jupiter & the Earth/other planets

The Sunday & the planets

The Sunday & Sirius (brightest star later on the sun)

Blue Giant & the Sun/Sirius

Blue Giant & manful soul bring upwardly star of Blue Giant

If nosotros could encounter other planets inwards the sky


Pann: How small-scale is the public (very interesting)

1. [+92, -1] I'm struggling also much for a dust inwards the universe.

2. [+76, -0] However, those gigantic planets are also a small-scale dust inwards the universe...

3. [+46, -2] Seeing this makes me experience meaningless. Scary.

4. [+34, -0] Compared to this big, unthinkable universe, I'm only a dust. So why is the life hence difficult?

5. [+31, -1] The universe is actually big.

6. [+29, -0] I'm non interested inwards how large is the universe but I'm actually curious nearly what exists exterior of the universe... If there's goose egg beyond the universe because everything is inwards the universe, than what precisely is the universe? If the universe is express inside a for sure space, together with hence what is the infinite exterior of the universe? And what would that live called?

7. [+23, -0] The argue why a lot of astronomers commit suicide is because they know their beingness is goose egg inwards this large universe.

8. [+13, -0] In this large universe, on this public that's goose egg but a tiny dust, why is everything hence hard together with wrong? Sometimes, I await at infinite videos out of curiosity. My beingness feels similar goose egg together with trying to hold out feels meaningless...

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