Learning A Linguistic Communication Equally A Hobby

Article: Say cheerio to the English-obsessed generation... Do you lot know 'language healing people'?

Source: Hangyeorae via Naver

(Article talks most people learning a linguistic communication other than English linguistic communication every bit a hobby)

1. [+2928, -33] It's fun if you lot practise it every bit a hobby. It's stressful if you lot practise it for specs.

2. [+1954, -104] If you lot tell "I'm learning German/Dutch/Swedish", in that place are in addition to then many people that volition tell "Why? Why would you lot larn something useless? Those people tin speak English linguistic communication in addition to then you lot don't demand to larn their language. You should written report Castilian or Chinese instead since these speakers bring a large population in addition to it'll endure beneficial." You tin only similar the sounds, the judgement structure, the idioms, or the social aspect to endure interested inwards learning the language. Finding a linguistic communication that you lot honour enjoyable to written report is every bit lucky every bit finding a truthful friend.

3. [+1137, -70] I'm learning Russian in addition to Swedish every bit hobby. The Cyrillic script's pronunciation and writing are unfamiliar and hard but it's fun because there's no stress to ameliorate inwards a curt fourth dimension similar learning English. I honour it interesting that in that place are many people similar me.

4. [+789, -36] When a linguistic communication learning is used for getting into a university, it doesn't seem tardily or fun. But ane time you lot genuinely bask it, you'll honour it interesting in addition to fun. I also desire to honour a linguistic communication that I tin larn every bit a hobby, non every bit a tool for getting into a university.

5. [+222, -5] After going aboard, I saw that English linguistic communication is indeed the universal language... For example, when I store at Italy, it's non similar the workers speak Korean in addition to I can't speak Italian, either. So I honour myself communicating inwards English... And it's non similar you lot tin larn all languages of countries you lot become to ㅋㅋ

6. [+217, -5] Even if nosotros weren't obsessed alongside English, nosotros all the same bring to larn English linguistic communication because knowing English linguistic communication makes life easier.

7. [+227, -16] Learning a linguistic communication is tin solely endure beneficial. The to a greater extent than languages you lot know, the bigger your cognition gets. English linguistic communication is a must. Not English linguistic communication every bit a tool for getting into a academy but English linguistic communication every bit a language. Instead of calling it toadyism, only written report English.

8. [+193, -4] English linguistic communication is a universal language. It's a fact that English linguistic communication is important.

9. [+190, -8] English linguistic communication is a must.

10. [+98, -2] I studied aboard every bit an central pupil when I was inwards university. I idea it was a useless experience, but it saved me when I went on overseas describe of piece of occupation concern trips. English linguistic communication is a must.

11. [+93, -2] Opposite for me, that's how I'm learning English. Wrestling alongside sentences in addition to looking upwards the words I don't know... It makes me forget all the worries in addition to concerns.

12. [+79, -3] Usually, those who tin speak English linguistic communication are the ones that larn a 3rd language.

13. [+70, -4] I intend Chinese, Japanese, in addition to Korean people's English linguistic communication degree is the worst inwards the world. Educated South East Asians tin speak English linguistic communication well. The people who alive inwards countries that don't demand to speak English linguistic communication volition never speak English linguistic communication well.

14. [+57, -5] Once you lot larn dissimilar languages, you'll realize how tardily English linguistic communication is. There isn't whatsoever linguistic communication that's every bit tardily every bit English. French has much to a greater extent than expressions than English. French listening is genuinely difficult. Castilian has crazy linking verbs. Learning Latin's declensions made me swear in addition to then hard. The charge per unit of measurement of illiteracy must've skyrocketed during the Roman Age. Chinese sounds real off if you lot acquire the intonation wrong. But ane time you lot larn Vietnamese's half dozen tones, you lot honour Chinese's four tones easy. You can't fifty-fifty distinguish the half dozen tones. Esperanto is tardily but there's no ane who uses it. Standard Arabic vowels are real hard to distinguish in addition to it's hard to read. Russian is easier than expected because it doesn't bring articles but the conjugations are difficult. German linguistic communication has hard articles. Italian is easy.

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