More Cafes Adopt 'No Teenager Zone' Next 'No Kids Zone'

Reasons to ban teenagers: They abuse smoking rooms, swear, spit, too are loud


Pann: Cafes that are increasing these days

1. [+346, -0] The owners are the ones that'll endure the loss, so... They must move desperate.

2. [+236, -0] It's because the laws are likewise lax. There are too hence many annoying people...

3. [+224, -0] They smoke on the street inward their schoolhouse uniforms... I was amazed.

4. [+53, -0] The high schoolhouse kids inward my neighborhood got caught drinking at a bar too hence the bar had to nigh down. Honestly, the bar isn't the exclusively i at fault. Shouldn't the high schoolhouse kids larn a similar penalty every bit well? Teenagers these days are a big problem.

5. [+45, -0] There needs to move a police pull where they tin move kicked out if they disturb the house too other customers. Because of the people who receive got no manners, nosotros receive got 'No Kids Zone' too 'No Teenager Zone' where their entrance is banned.

6. [+39, -3] Spitting, smoking, swearing loudly too screaming... That's what manlike soul delinquent students practice ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+38, -9] What nosotros involve to a greater extent than is No Korean Men Zone.

8. [+36, -0] Their conversations source alongside swearing too halt alongside swearing. They nation "f*cking" inward every sentence. It's annoying. I desire to smack their heads. And people nation it's manlike soul delinquents only the girls are worse. They swear, sing out loud, spit, gear upward makeup, too wipe their hands on the table. I wanted to crunch them up. I'd rather endure the loss too ban teenagers. I also run a business.

9. [+34, -1] I was waiting for my friend at a java shop. five vi boys entered the shop, ordered 2 drinks, too started chatting. They were sitting beside my table. They brought H2O too started pouring H2O on themselves for filming a video. I swore automatically. I don't desire to run across mannerless idiots.

10. [+29, -0] It's the owners' choice. It's non similar teenagers are the original source of earnings. They destroy things, are loud, too receive got upward the bathroom. A grouping of four five teens gild exclusively a pair of drinks, receive got a 6-people table, remain at that topographic point for three four hours, purpose tissue, purpose the cups, receive got upward the bathroom, too beak loudly. It's amend non to receive got them. Like adults, they should gild at to the lowest degree i drinkable per person, chat quietly, too larn out inward an hour.

11. [+21, -0] A double-decker halt alongside a lot of core too high schoolhouse students is already a disaster. They swear, deed too hence loud, too spit. So disgusting.

12. [+20, -2] Having 'one drinkable per customer' policy would filter out most teenagers. Usually, teenagers come upward inward a bunch too exclusively gild 1 2 drinks. Do they receive got to filter out yesteryear historic current similar that? The most annoying customers are genuinely ajussis too grandpas. Why are they non banning them? It's almost killing the weak ㅋㅋ

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