Red Velvet's 'Zimzalabim' Comeback Met Alongside Criticisms On Phase Outfits & Song

Pann: Shocking coordi of Red Velvet today

1. [+194, -14] Isn't their coordi thus untalented? If I were Red Velvet, I would've slapped the coordi together with screamed at my way to burn the coordi.

2. [+161, -11] They tin give notice compete alongside JYP ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+137, -1] Wendy is the worst i ㅋㅋㅋㅋ She has many killing points ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+90, -0] Wendy's transcend is originally a handbag ㅋㅋ

5. [+76, -0] Did the coordi actually honor that pretty? I don't empathize what they're thinking. If they continue getting criticisms for their styling, they should've changed the coordi. Why aren't they doing something virtually it?

6. [+73, -67] This is their proportions, they should've at to the lowest degree saved it past times the coordi. What were they thinking?

8. [+66, -0] Want to compete alongside us?


Pann: Wow, I didn't anticipate Red Velvet's song

(OP criticizes the song)

1. [+254, -33] Early hype = flop. Remember this formula ㅋㅋ Red Velvet fans kept talking virtually how the vocal volition last legendary together with how the music video is similar a pic only this turned out to last worse than RBB.

2. [+242, -11] I similar tiddler songs similar One of These Nights together with Be Natural only this vocal is actually bad.

3. [+200, -7] Red Velvet volition convey to a greater extent than or less other come upwardly dorsum inward August. They're leaving tomorrow to shoot the music video. I'll set my hopes on the adjacent song. F*ck.

4. [+156, -5] Everything aside, y'all can't shield Zimzalabim ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Imagine the reactions if this was sang past times other daughter group. SM brainwashed their fans alongside weird-sounding songs similar a cult ㅋㅋㅋ The reviews tell it's "classy unusual beats" together with "it tin give notice solely last done past times Red Velvet", are they joking? It's nonsense to last proud to convey a concept similar this. If y'all convey whatever shame, don't tell that this is lineament music.

5. [+130, -0] The vocal is bad only what's alongside the coordi? I'm non fifty-fifty mad because I'm equally good baffled ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+122, -1] The championship sounded similar an Indian charm only I can't believe fifty-fifty the chorus is similar a charm... The pretty members are dressed inward weird clothes together with they sing "zimzalabim zimzalabim" similar an Indian movie. I experience similar I'm listening to Roo'ra together with Chakra inward the 90's. What's going on alongside SM these days?

7. [+107, -2] Zimzalabim together with Wolf are chosen past times Lee Soo Man ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why are they doing this to Red Velvet?
(Joy said, "This vocal was e'er a candidate for us. It was pushed aside only Lee Soo Man chose it together with said nosotros tin give notice at i time force off the song. We trust him.")

8. [+95, -3] They made proficient songs similar Ice Cream Cake together with Russian Roulette thus why are they getting worse together with worse?

9. [+78, -4] I intend SM is all-in for the novel daughter grouping that volition debut inward the instant one-half of the year. SM treats their master copy daughter groups actually badly. It's the instant flavor of f(x).

10. [+73, -2] Seeing their clothes, I knew the vocal was gonna last really questionable. SM e'er gives a questionable vocal when the grouping is getting popular. When Girls' Generation was on their peak, they promoted The Boys-I Got a Boy-Mr. Mr. together with and thus flopped. Are they killing the groups because they're afraid that the groups volition function out the way afterwards getting popular?

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