Worst Ex-Boyfriend You've E'er Had?

Pann: Who wants to compete almost the worst ex-boyfriend?

1. [+670, -8] He asked me almost my parents' jobs in addition to I told him. He was like, "Oh, your parents exercise physical labor? My ex was a missy of a Samsung director. She was then nice..."

2. [+663, -12] I told him I won't convey gender activity without a comdom. He said, "So you lot don't desire to live on on the pill but withal wants to convey sex?"

3. [+425, -5] On my birthday, he bought me a necklace in addition to earrings. When nosotros broke up, he took them dorsum in addition to gave them to his novel lady friend for their 100th day. He wrote the exact same missive of the alphabet to her in addition to only changed my advert to hers. Thinking almost this a$$hole makes me desire to throw up.

4. [+353, -13] So many trashy guys out there...

5. [+245, -2] When his friends saw me in addition to him together, they imitated moaning sounds in addition to gender activity but he was exclusively watching them.

6. [+225, -5] He said the argue why he doesn't buy the farm to massage parlours is because he was afraid that he would buy the farm addicted to them in addition to won't live on satisfied past times me anymore ㅋㅋㅋㅋ $hit-headed idiot.

7. [+182, -1] His facial aspect when he was begging me to come upwards to the motel... Still makes me throw upwards ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+172, -0] I had a crunch on my ex for two years. He knew I liked him in addition to asked me out. He wanted to buy the farm along our human relationship a secret, then nosotros dated secretly. But since nosotros started going out, he ignored me, didn't behavior upon me, in addition to didn't contact me. After 200 days, I got tired in addition to broke upwards amongst him. But I constitute out that he was gay ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He had a swain inwards our school, that's why he asked me to appointment secretly. Some of his friends suspected him of beingness gay then he told them that he was dating me to live on complimentary of the accusation ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I heard that they went to Nippon together later on he broke upwards amongst me. Are you lot happy, you lot f*cking jerk?

9. [+158, -5] No i tin rhythm out me ㅋㅋㅋ Within two hours of going out, my friend told me that he asked her to post him a video of her masturbating. I dumped him in addition to he told me that he was gonna dump me the side past times side hateful solar daytime ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+134, -3] Guys actually are slaves of their d*cks

11. [+111, -2] The happiest people correct now: Forever singles including me

12. [+109, -2] I'm 22 in addition to I dated a 24-year-old oppa. We broke upwards because he cheated on me amongst a 14-year-old midpoint schoolhouse girl. After breaking up, they made their human relationship official on Facebook. I constitute out almost the matter because the 14-year-old messaged me on Facebook ㅋㅋㅋ She told me to intermission upwards amongst him because she was the i that he loved. I confronted him almost her in addition to he said, "Yeah, she's my girlfriend. Let's breakup."

13. [+98, -2] On the hateful solar daytime of mock exams inwards cast 12, he broke upwards amongst me, reunited amongst his commencement love, set their selca on Kakaotalk, in addition to set "fresh feelings" on his status. That jerk got into a no-name college in addition to I got into Korea University.

14. [+92, -0] He dated somebody else on the hateful solar daytime of our breakup ㅋㅋㅋ

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