Story Of Successful Senior Model Kim Chil Doo

Kim Chil Doo is a Korean rookie model who debuted inwards March, 2018. His occupation was the lack of money. He made a living past times selling fruits in addition to thus used the coin to opened upward a Korean sausage restaurant. His eating seat didn't produce well, thus he sold it in addition to moved to Seoul. He worked every bit a daily labourer at constructions. Because of his fossil oil looks, he couldn't teach hired at safety concern or eating seat business.

One day, his fille recommended him to expire a senior model. He went to a model university inwards February, 2018. Every week, he took classes for walking in addition to photograph shoots. At home, he skilful alongside his mirror inwards front end of him. Whenever he had time, he went to the university in addition to watched immature models taking classes.

In a month, he was cast to the rail of 2018 F/W Hera Seoul Fashion Week. "I completed the rail past times having fun. Once the music starts in addition to I walk down, I tin experience the aura. It gives me goosebumps... It's amazing." After his debut stage, he was cast past times Elle, Dazed, Graphy, in addition to diverse other brands.

Kim Chil Doo had things that immature model didn't accept - white hair, beard, in addition to aging lines on his face. Kim Chil Doo isn't an old, retired senior. He's a pop rookie model.


Pann: Rookie model who debuted later historic menses of sixty simply hitting daebak

1. [+136, -0] Wow, his facial features are nevertheless actually clear in addition to his handsomeness stands out. How did he alive a normal life when he was young? He must've aged without whatsoever beauty attention simply his confront tin musical rhythm out an average middle-aged actor.

2. [+53, -2] Wow, his aura is actually different. He's cool.

3. [+49,-0] He looks thus awesome inwards the subway scheme pictures.

4. [+30, -0] Photo when he was young.

5. [+26, -0] His beard grows similar a Westerner's. If he styles upward formally in addition to wears a suit, he'll await actually handsome ㅋㅋ

6. [+15, -0] His fille saw the future.

7. [+7, -0] This haraboji used to move the possessor of my family's favorite restaurant... It was thus delicious ㅠㅠ

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