Would Y'all Desire To Locomote An Idol?

Pann: Honestly, it'd endure fun to endure an idol

1. [+716, -7] I actually envy that they accept photos of themselves at the prettiest historic menses amongst the fanciest styling.

2. [+355, -3] I desire to produce a concert the most. Seeing all the audience cheering for me together with liking my phase that I've prepared would endure together with thus much fun.

3. [+324, -2] I envy that living the fancy life for 10 years would give them plenty coin together with sense to cook for the minute phase of life inwards their 30's.

4. [+148, -2] Honestly, I'm a homebody together with thus I accept no such thing every bit individual life or a musical rhythm on someone. I tin never sympathize the things that people speak well-nigh every bit disadvantages of beingness an idol. I yell upward they're all to a greater extent than than tolerable.

5. [+120, -1] There isn't whatever undertaking that isn't hard. It's truthful that idols accept to lookout their actions but if I had a chance, I'd endure one. It brings a lot of coin together with later years together with losing popularity, a dating tidings won't demeanour on you lot that much. I'll but alive my life amongst the coin I earned.

6. [+107, -88] Even when I'm tired or inwards a bad condition, I ever accept to grinning at people together with produce everything. I yell upward it'll endure actually sh*tty. I fifty-fifty accept to grinning together with concur hands amongst ugly people.

7. [+59, -0] To us, beingness an idol seems actually fun but to the idols, it's an everyday life... I envy them...

8. [+55, -0] I'm an attending seeker together with thus I'd desire to endure one. It'd endure difficult but it also brings a lot of money.

9. [+52, -0] You're guaranteed to debut inwards big iii later five years of training. Upvote if you'd do, downvote if you lot don't.

10. [+50, -3] When idols operate asked if they'd desire to endure an idol i time to a greater extent than inwards their side yesteryear side life, almost all of them enjoin yes. I desire to endure an idol, too.

11. [+46, -0] I yell upward it's a thing of personality. People similar Kim Heechul are really suitable to endure celebrities. The form of people who bottle upward their emotions, introverted, together with individual won't produce good every bit celebrities.

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