Fans & Netizens Comment On Exo Do's Voluntary Enlistment

- DO is confirmed to possess got enlisted voluntarily. His enlistment volition possess got house on July 1st.
- EXO's concert begins on July xix together with runs for ii weeks which he volition narrowly miss.
- He volition endure discharged inward Jan 2021, which is only before the filming engagement of Along With The Gods 2. By then, other members volition enlist so in that place won't endure many grouping promotions.
- Fans possess got been already disappointed amongst DO's lack of enthusiasm inward EXO's promotions


Pann: I've been an EXO stan for 8 years together with I plough over upwards on Do Kyungsoo now

1. [+805, -48] Kyungsoo-ya, you lot require to wake upwards for real. Your votes for Baeksang together with the cheering crowd to cheer you lot upwards are 90% EXO fans, non your fans equally an actor.

2. [+655, -61] A planned enlistment to avoid a concert together with to tally the engagement of Along With The Gods, goosebumps.

3. [+553, -33] Even those who are defending Do Kyungsoo correct instantly know he has no affection left for EXO anymore. He freaks out at the fans who are waiting for him afterwards a schedule but when he's Actor Do Kyungsoo, he's super sort to the fans waiting for him afterwards a schedule.

4. [+308, -3] What's funny is that Joonmyun volition enlist afterwards the concert but Kyungsoo is voluntarily enlisting for a cinema when he yet has ii to a greater extent than years left.

5. [+303, -2] Honestly, if you're an EXO-L, you've worried most how Kyungsoo is feeling at to the lowest degree once. It's wise of him to speak carefully but is it that difficult to state the things fans desire him to for at to the lowest degree once? He says EXO's promotions are his priority but when he's Actor Do Kyungsoo, he fifty-fifty shaves his caput whereas when he's EXO Do Kyungsoo, his confront is e'er blank together with never agrees to wearable the rabbit hat. I dear DO's vocalization equally a fan so I'm real worried that he'll exit EXO. I promise he makes it clear that EXO volition terminal long.

6. [+280, -4] We're non mad most him enlisting. We're mad that he tin yet practise the concert together with enlist but he's enlisting before that together with how he chose to enlist to cinema the movie. Besides, in that place are so many things that he disappointed the fans with, so the fans aren't having it anymore.


Pann: Fans are pissed at EXO Do Kyungsoo's voluntary enlistment

1. [+278, -72] I've seen many idols who left their groups to debut equally actors but DO is a legendary one... Not leaving the grouping but enlisting before to skip on the grouping promotions together with afterwards he's discharged, he tin promote equally an musician without having to help most the group. Kya... goosebumps.

2. [+230, -49] If he was my bias, I would've been totally speechless.

3. [+196, -80] Goosebumps, he's a selfish kid.


Pann: I'm an EXO fan together with I'm disappointed amongst DO

1. [+258, -48] I left the fandom agency before. If you're an idol, isn't communication a must matter to do? On the official app, he posts similar 1 time a year. He doesn't role social media so nosotros can't fifty-fifty come across a selca of him. Never does V app, either. I wonder if he genuinely cares most the fans. There's aught most him so I had to stan amongst onetime videos only. It made me frustrated so I left the fandom.

2. [+247, -88] EXO's concert was supposed to endure inward Feb but fans were confused why it got pushed. So DO was the reason. I'm an EXO fan but I'll back upwards OT8 without DO. He doesn't desire to promote equally EXO, also annoyed to laid upwards for the concert, but wants to cinema Along With The Gods three inward 2021 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Yeah, practise whatever you lot want.

3. [+197, -33] It pisses me off to intend how the delay of the concert created rumors most other members.


Article: "Heavy heart"... 'Enlisting inward July' Do Kyungsoo (DO) writes a alphabetic lineament to fans

Source: My Daily via Nate

1. [+163, -8] Usually, celebrities delay equally much equally they could but he's enlisting before than the hyungs inward his group. I intend it's real amend to enlist early. Hope he has a rubber enlistment!

2. [+135, -6] Kyungsoo-ya, endure well for you lot ㅠㅠ Sad that I won't come across you lot at the concert but I e'er honour your decision.

3. [+68, -5] I yet can't forget 100 Days My Prince. I re-watch it sometimes together with it's a masterpiece.

4. [+13, -1] I intend his shoulders volition await broader afterwards ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's cool.

5. [+12, -1] He's maxim that his total is heavy because he couldn't inform the fans commencement due to the journalists ㅠㅠ Have a rubber enlistment


Source: Naver

1. [+1123, -25] Whatever Kyungsoo decides, I'll e'er cheer for him

2. [+603, -9] Have a rubber enlistment Do Kyungsoo <3

3. [+359, -11] It's your duty equally a Korean human being These days, if you're a celebrity, it's much amend to enlist early.

4. [+267, -11] I was so surprised but I'll honour your determination Have a rubber enlistment for a amend hereafter

5. [+259, -56] He delayed a lot since people enlist inward their early on 20's. But since he's enlisting inward his mid-20's, he tin come upwards dorsum together with act, unloosen solo albums, together with promote more.

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