'Along Alongside The Gods' Manager Confirms Produce Kyungsoo Volition Star Inward Serial Iii & 4

Q: You had said 'Along alongside the Gods' iii in addition to iv are planned. When volition you lot foremost producing them? Are they going to hold out filmed together?
A: I'm planning to create them inwards 2021. Also, iii in addition to iv volition hold out filmed together.
Q: Is Do Kyungsoo going to star inwards 3, too?
A: Yes. I met him today in addition to confirmed it.


Pann: Do Kyungsoo confirmed to star inwards Along alongside the Gods 3, 4

1. [+88, -6] So is he going to hold out the chief character, then? I'm relieved since he's goodness at acting exactly I promise the production in addition to CG larn a piddling better.

2. [+64, -3] Sergeant Kim...! Sergeant Kim... where are you...?

3. [+54, -3] 2021... That's when DO volition enlist inwards existent life.

4. [+28, -0] I'm a fan of Joo Ji Hoon in addition to I welcome Do Kyungsoo since he tin act. But the managing director is empty-headed. The grapheme of Haewonmaek has hence many historical errors in addition to the fans fifty-fifty gave upward correcting the history. Deokchoon is cipher exactly a background... Deokchoon said beingness able to scan a person's goodness deeds in addition to sins is a karma. A journalist asked the managing director why this was a karma in addition to the managing director said he didn't intend close that. What the hell is alongside his answer!!!

5. [+20, -2] DO is trusted for acting
(Article of EXO DO every bit #1 acting-dol picked past times experts)

6. [+15, -17] The moving-picture present isn't fifty-fifty fun. Why are they making novel serial of it?

7. [+12, -2] To me, the transcend iii acting-dols are Im Siwan, Do Kyungsoo, in addition to Lee Joon. They actually appear similar legit actors ㅋㅋ

8. [+10, -13] Why attain they popular off along making these trashy movies? Don't they experience deplorable for the webtoonist?

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