Donghae & Eunhyuk's Respond To Dating Rumors Disappointed Journalists?

Recently, I met upwards alongside Donghae as well as Eunhyuk for an interview on Super Junior D&E. I asked them, "Donghae-ssi as well as Eunhyuk-ssi, produce you lot guys bring whatever memorable dating rumor?" Do you lot know what they said? They said, "We don't bring dating rumors because nosotros never date." They intend they don't? Don't they bring the biggest dating rumor? It was fifty-fifty a world relationship.

Wasn't it to a greater extent than of a forced world relationship? I'm certain all they did was visiting the sick, non dating.

They as well as then said, "We're idols, too" which translates to "Please don't inquire close that." The journalists were disappointed that veterans idols couldn't plow over an honest answer.


Instiz: An amusement journalist was disappointed alongside Super Junior's mental attitude at an interview

- The journalists should take away heed their ain dating lives instead

- Who are they to move disappointed?

- What... Eunhyuk was a victim inward that controversy. It pisses me off

- Where are their manners?

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