Kai ♥ Jennie On Pann

Pann: Kai as well as Jennie are a legendary confirmation

1. [+984, -59] "I'm a shining solo " Must've been difficult to sing the vocal without an emotion ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+931, -112] I idea this was weak for Jan 1 dating news. I expected to come across a really famous celebrity who's had no dating news. People who receive got no involvement inwards idols mightiness know the groups but non the members ㅋㅋ Non-fans would've been similar "whatever".

3. [+771, -77] Jennie backstabbed hard.

4. [+503, -9] Kai gets caught every time... I experience bad for him ㅋㅋ His type inwards women is then consistent, though.

5. [+501, -239] EXO is pretty dead, indeed. In 2014, anything EXO-related would've caused whatever community site to hold upward destroyed but this dating word isn't fifty-fifty every bit issued every bit a comedian's dating news.

6. [+401, -9] Blackpink talked virtually having a dating ban on their contract as well as they debuted later on than Twice as well as Red Velvet but they're the origin 1 amongst dating word ㅋㅋㅋㅋ "I'm a shining solo "

7. [+341, -9] I was looking frontward to the word but I don't experience anything. I only know that Kai's type inwards women is extremely consistent.

8. [+263, -3] I'm certain Jennie got called to Yang Hyun Suk ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+251, -3] Wow... I took a covert cap only inwards case. My 3-year bias had his dating word on my birthday inwards 2016 as well as only about other 1 inwards 2019 when I plow xx ㅠㅠ

(Pann comment on December 27 talking virtually Jennie as well as Kai)

10. [+239, -9] Wasn't it inwards Nov when Jennie was controversial for her lazy performance? Of class it was because she was dating ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

11. [+230, -15] When Kai's origin dating word were out, I idea they matched good as well as hoped they receive got a prissy relationship. But immediately that his 2nd 1 is out, his icon is starting to alter regardless of whether they represent good or not. This is why dating word are scary.

12. [+221, -2] When they were announcing the winner on a music show, Jennie went upward to EXO which was actually random. I commented that it's either she has no manners or she loved EXO as well as got downvoted past times both fandoms. I was right... oops


Pann: Kai as well as Jennie on Music Core

(Pann talks virtually Jennie walking upward to EXO)

1. [+177, -8] People shipped her amongst Sehun amongst this as well as wondered why Jennie was doing that. It was to stand upward side past times side to Kai ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+178, -4] This?

3. [+100, -239] Jennie was leaving after maxim cheerio to her fans as well as she stopped midway because other artists were even then standing in that place ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Know the facts first.

4. [+90, -5] Kai was staring difficult at the scores, likewise ㅋㅋ

5. [+81, -4] It must've been then hear-fluttering for her...

6. [+69, -0] People were call for if Jennie as well as Sehun were dating but it was Kai beside them.


Pann: Am I the alone upset fan of Jennie?

(Pann talks virtually Jennie's disceptation on her lazy surgery as well as her dating word affecting other grouping members)

1. [+604, -26] I'm fifty-fifty questioning if she was performing lazily because her thoughts were somewhere else. She's such a nuisance. What does this brand the fans who defended her?

2. [+597, -24] Agreed... I'm non fifty-fifty certain if she respects other members.

3. [+443, -20] Exactly ㅋㅋ The reality hits me.

4. [+317, -1] Other members tell they alone want Blackpink to concluding long as well as they ever run difficult but Jennie's had mental attitude controversies as well as dating news... Jennie must intend Blackpink, members, as well as fans are only decorations to brand her shine. YG pushed Jennie the most but instead of existence thankful, she's existence arrogant. She'll never concluding long, never...

5. [+272, -7] Jisoo, Rose, as well as Lisa are quietly living hard...

6. [+242, -4] Jennie's the alone 1 amongst all the controversies. She should've focused on her psyche job. It's ever these controversial kids that create to a greater extent than controversies ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Doesn't she experience sad to other members?

7. [+239, -6] She slacked off at their origin concert, isn't this plenty said? She's already acting similar this inwards her rookie phase ㅋㅋ

8. [+224, -5] I'm then upset. Do y'all intend other members aren't dating because they don't similar manlike mortal celebrities as well as they don't larn hitting on? They debuted two years agone as well as yet she's already doing this. She acted similar she cared virtually fans as well as members but she's bringing all controversies as well as existence a nuisance. Blackpink should've debuted without Jennie.

9. [+215, -4] If the dating word were Rose, Jisoo, or Lisa instead of Jennie, in that place wouldn't hold upward criticisms similar this as well as a lot of people would hold upward cheering for her. If Jennie did her psyche chore properly as well as showed that she was passionate virtually the stage, it wouldn't receive got been disappointing similar this.

10. [+205, -5] I'm a non-fan as well as I tin flame sympathise Kai but Jennie is unexpected. I intend it's likewise early on for her. Her icon went downward for me because I wonder if she was dancing lazily because of this.


Pann: The celebrity career must hold upward a hobby to Jennie

1. [+270, -10] Please force Rose ㅠㅠ She has everything including face, physical, singing, aegyo, dancing, as well as character. Jennie feels similar a celeb rather than an amusement artist.

2. [+247, -8] I promise this is a run a hazard for the 3 members. Hard-working kids deserve the spotlight.

3. [+212, -8] I promise Yang Hyun Suk stops pushing Jennie as well as starts caring to a greater extent than virtually the 3 members. The 3 members run difficult as well as treasure every moment. They didn't deserve this from Jennie.

4. [+55, -0] Honestly, her household unit of measurement is well-off. No argue for her to hold upward desperate.

5. [+44, -3] I similar Rose as well as Jisoo but delight promote Lisa for in 1 lawsuit ㅠㅠ While Jennie was promoting every bit a solo, Rose as well as Jisoo went to fashion shows but what has Lisa been doing? It would hold upward daebak if Lisa pulls a concept of a powerful dancer.

6. [+38, -0] If Rose gets into dating news, I'll cheer for her harder... You can't tell anything if y'all watched Rose's phase because she industrial plant then hard.

Pann: The scene of reality hitting me

(Pann talks virtually Kai going to Jennie's dorm amongst gifts every bit before long every bit he came dorsum from Hawaii as well as that Kai even then accepts all gifts from his fans when only about EXO members don't)

1. [+421, -21] It's natural for the reality to hitting you. Don't near EXO fans upward amongst this.

2. [+382, -10] Reading this, I sympathise why the reality must hold upward hitting you. Fans give everything to their bias but all the bias does is maxim give cheers y'all as well as dearest y'all without doing anything.

3. [+310, -4] I'd experience the same.

4. [+175, -12] He even then accepts gifts? Ugh... this is to a greater extent than shocking to me. He's a top idol.

5. [+160, -1] This is the fact ㅠㅠ I don't experience upset or resentful but I only experience empty. It's non because he's dating, it's only the agency I feel. I said seeing him happy makes me happy but I can't assist but experience empty.

6. [+151, -51] EXO fans are crying on the within but they're acting similar they're cool on the exterior ㅋㅋㅋㅋ What a joke

7. [+122, -215] What? I'm an EXO fan but I don't receive got the reality hitting me. It's non similar he gave fan gifts to his girlfriend. Why are non-fans acting similar all EXO fans are feeling betrayed? We larn a lot of things from Kai, then halt worrying. His phase is our biggest gift as well as pride.

8. [+121, -5] You mightiness surrender your soul to an idol but he doesn't fifty-fifty desire to know your cite as well as loves only about other adult woman that he brings gifts to. Buying an album as well as going to a concert is a cultural action y'all exercise every bit a fan but giving gifts as well as next him everyday is beyond liking an creative mortal as well as doing a cultural activity. It's because y'all similar him every bit a human as well as y'all receive got this one-sided, visual dating feeling. And y'all come across your "crush" pouring his dearest on only about other girl, of class you'd experience the reality hitting you.

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