Periods Of Enlistment Nether A Novel Armed Forces Law

New law: All men accept to enlist yesteryear the historic menses of 28

Periods of enlistment
89/90ers: until Jan 2019
91ers: Jan June 2019
92ers: Jan June 2020
93ers: Jan June 2021
94ers: Jan June 2022
95ers: Jan June 2023
96ers: Jan June 2024
97ers: Jan June 2025


Pann: Male idols volition commencement enlisting i yesteryear one

1. [+63, -0] Crazy, yesteryear side yesteryear side twelvemonth July, alone Myungsoo in addition to Sungjong volition move inwards Infinite ㅠㅠ What create I create ㅠㅠ

2. [+49, -9] Ministry of National Defense... fuck... Wasn't the leader plenty ㅠㅠㅠ I desire to cry

3. [+46, -0] Hakyeon-ah Taekwoon-ah ㅠㅠ Will I move able to mail them off ㅠㅠ

4. [+26, -0] I'm worried close my bias' enlistment to a greater extent than than my brother's enlistment

5. [+25, -0] He already enlisted!! Sunggyu-ya ㅠㅠ How are y'all doing inwards this hot weather condition ㅠㅠ

6. [+24, -0] Hul, EXO volition commencement enlisting

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