Athletes Are Non A Fellow Material?

Pann: Is it actually non ideal to appointment an athlete?

1. [+424, -31] Athletes amongst a warm heart in addition to soul similar Ki Sung Yong in addition to Park Ji Sung are rare ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Most athletes are short-tempered because they accept to live on able to purpose their give away energy at once. I've barely seen athletes who are skilful to women. Even inwards unusual countries, yous postulate heed a lot of violence tidings from celebrity & athlete couples.

2. [+358, -8] They accept a lot of women around them in addition to they intend they're the best.

3. [+356, -2] Athlete Kwak Yoon Gi said ignoring the adult woman amongst the excuse of beingness busy amongst the sport is incorrect in addition to that there's a enough of fourth dimension to contact ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Even a national athlete says this. Non-national athletes who don't bother to contact their girlfriends because "they don't accept time" are only trash.

4. [+172, -3] Yes fuck. I'm dating a soccer histrion correct right away in addition to I can't fifty-fifty telephone shout out upwards him. I held his mitt i time inwards school. During the lxx days of dating, I couldn't contact him for ii total weeks in addition to I haven't fifty-fifty seen him for a month.

5. [+158, -0] They're used to the military-like civilization thus they're strict in addition to pretentious.

6. [+130, -1] They speak well-nigh sleeping amongst their girlfriends inwards their dorm.

7. [+114, -1] For athletes, i of the most of import hormones is testosterone. It's real of import for growing muscles in addition to enhancing physical performance. That's why injecting or consuming testosterone is illegal. Athletes accept much higher testosterone rates compared to non-athletes. Testosterone makes yous to a greater extent than competitive in addition to numb to hurting in addition to fear. It likewise increases aggressiveness in addition to sexual urges. So the bulk of athletes are much to a greater extent than macho-like than non-athletes. On the other hand, their muscular bodies brand them physically potent in addition to sexually attractive. If yous similar that, in addition to thus yous tin appointment them. If yous desire a human being who's sweet, in addition to thus it'll live on difficult to uncovering i who's an athlete.

8. [+104, -6] I've been dating an athlete for a year. He has serious mood swings, he's competitive, in addition to he has high self-esteem. It's difficult sometimes. He has a lot of women around him but he's clear amongst "my woman" vs "other women" in addition to he's disgusted amongst the stance of cheating. He likewise has a potent feel of possession... And a lot of athletes likewise accept a naive personality because all they did was practice inwards their whole life.

9. [+73, -1] They're solely skilful inwards bed ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I know some people who dated athletes in addition to all of them ended dirtily. They either caught cheating or got contacted yesteryear other girlfriends ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+66, -3] Baseball in addition to soccer players are serious trash.

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