Controversy On Bts Winning Daesang Over Exo Continues On Pann + Do's Message To Fans

Pann: Melon album daesang, objective comparisons betwixt BTS & EXO

1. [+760, -169] Wow, I'm non a fan but I'm getting upset... What's incorrect amongst Melon

2. [+748, -149] I was certain that EXO would win the album daesang...

3. [+688, -149] Read this if yous accept eyes

4. [+303, -263] BTS' daesang is a legendary shame

5. [+284, -17] Do yous guys know that the criteria for the creative soul observe too the album observe are the same? ㅋㅋ How tin EXO non win the album observe when they won the creative soul award? It's unfair.

6. [+255, -21] Seems similar Melon frauds didn't desire to laissez passer out 2 awards to them

7. [+205, -11] Hurray for Genie


Pann: The argue why BTS won a daesang

(Pann talks close how EXO's observe was robbed)

1. [+447, -195] They're sad too, their starting fourth dimension daesang is an unfair daesang ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+392, -191] Armys are brainwashing themselves yesteryear proverb the results volition stay ㅠㅠ

3. [+365, -301] Are BTS too their fans embarrassed yet? Congrats on the daesang!

4. [+151, -100] !-!

"Why are yous stealing EXO's?"

5. [+132, -19] I've never seen a daesang awardee that was this controversial

6. [+188, -18] Every number shows that EXO deserved the album observe but BTS fans are closing their eyes too ears too are threatening to sue them ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Pann: Controversial idols who got their observe robbed

1. [+424, -42] In instance they involve a source, the results are from reliable Melon ^^

2. [+414, -97] EXO is ahead inwards damage of digital sales, physical sales, votes, too everything. Yet BTS fans are claiming that it was fair. Don't telephone telephone yourselves a fan of a daesang artist.

3. [+375, -313] Armys accept no manners. Get what yous deserve.

4. [+141, -6] BTS was a nominee yesteryear the digital sales of The Most Beautiful Moment inwards Life because it did amend than Wings. Don't nation that the 2 albums were combined for the results. It was The Most Beautiful Moment inwards Live vs EX'ACT too EX'ACT had amend results too to a greater extent than votes. But BTS won the award.

5. [+124, -3] Did I vote everyday simply to come across this? I experience ashamed.

6. [+111, -5] BTS is non at fault. They also looked flustered. Fucking Melon.


Pann: Did yous come across this? What DO said to fans

(DO mouthed "Don't cry")


1. [+305, -16] I actually liked it when yous said "EXO volition e'er locomote well-mannered" at the terminate of the winning speech. I actually similar how yous EXO shows it amongst actions. You're similar the Big Dipper that's inwards the heaven for all 4 seasons. I dear yous EXO.

2. [+298, -6] It makes me to a greater extent than sad because it's DO ㅠㅠ He barely does this because he's a mutual frigidity person...

3. [+295, -5] He said "Please don't cry" non "Don't cry".

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