Btob, Apink, In Addition To Bap Fandoms Envy B2st's Escape From Cube?

Pann: Fandoms that envy B2ST the most correct now

(BTOB, Apink, in addition to BAP fandoms)

1. [+132, -6] Honestly, BTOB is suffering the most. Fuck...

2. [+131, -1] I cried because I was in addition to thence happy that B2ST escaped from Cube. I cried 1 time again because I saw the futurity of BTOB in addition to it made me sad. I actually promise BTOB too escapes from Cube. And I promise Cube flops.

3. [+107, -2] It's in addition to thence truthful for Melodies... I honour it amazing in addition to admirable that B2ST escaped from Cube exactly I experience empty in addition to worried ㅠㅠ

4. [+31, -2] I'm a B2uty in addition to a Melody. I'm happy exactly too worried...

5. [+28, -2] Honestly, Melodies are the most happy in addition to worried ones ㅠㅠ Please accept BTOB also, B2ST sunbae-nims.

6. [+24, -2] B2ST nims, delight accept my bias ㅠㅠ It hurts me to intend well-nigh BTOB overworking to fill upwards up the deficit from Pentagon in addition to CLC ㅠㅠ

7. [+21, -0] I desire Cube to flop exactly at the same time, it shouldn't happen. Fuck.

8. [+20, -1] Honestly, isn't BAP the worst case? BAP's companionship is beyond Cube.

9. [+20, -2] When volition BTOB escape from Cube ㅠㅠ

10. [+18, -0] What volition BTOB in addition to BAP do? BAP's CEO is to a greater extent than trashy than people think. He's completely shameless. He makes them overwork in addition to withal refuses to pay them.

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