The Intro Trip The Lite Fantastic Of Ioi's 'Very Real Very' Is Sexual?

Pann: The intro trip the low-cal fantastic of IOI's novel vocal is as well as therefore sexual

1. [+93, -11] What create you lot hateful it's OK because it's entirely i second? What's the quest of the dance? Why does KCC non create anything? Idols' wearing clothing as well as dances are problematic. They're yet young, they could create cute stuff.

2. [+69, -7] Hul, I didn't come across this but it looks a fleck embarrassing... Besides, the iii of them accept proficient bodies...

3. [+44, -85] It's entirely i 2nd inwards the offset ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's reaching

4. [+37, -2] It's bothersome fifty-fifty if it's i ii seconds. People wouldn't desire to pose similar that inwards curt pants. But their videos volition concluding for years alongside screencaps as well as gifs... The video was only equally embarrassing.

5. [+31, -7] I didn't fifty-fifty discovery it because it went equally good quick. It looks to a greater extent than weird because you lot screencapped it similar this.

6. [+31, -16] It looks bad inwards a film similar this but inwards the video, it's entirely i second. You don't fifty-fifty discovery it.

7. [+25, -0] I don't help close the trip the low-cal fantastic but similar Somi's previous outfit at a recent event, their wearing clothing are equally good curt when they're yet as well as therefore young. Long wearing clothing tin mail away also endure cute as well as pretty.

8. [+24, -1] Men don't help equally long equally it's sexual. They don't help how sometime the girls are, they're as well as therefore shameless... They're slaves of their dicks, disgusting.

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