Somi's Failed Makeup?

Pann: What's amongst Somi's makeup? ㅋㅋㅋ

1. [+83, -2] I read the championship together with doubted it'd last that terrible, but this is just...

2. [+66, -0] Somi looks pretty amongst minimal marrow makeup together with emphasized lip makeup. Please halt amongst this form of makeup...

3. [+51, -21] Wow... she looks similar she needs to pee

4. [+18, -0] I idea it was most the tone-down makeup when I saw the thumbnail. But I clicked the post together with she looks terrible...

5. [+14, -0] I idea she pose curry pulverization on her eyes

6. [+10, -0] She'd await amend amongst a bare face. Why did they ruin her human face upwards similar that? Are they an anti?

7. [+10, -0] Who's the makeup artist... What did they practice to Somi? Are they joking?

8. [+10, -2] Sorry to Somi fans but I idea she was an Indian or a South East Asian woman... Who the fuck did her makeup?

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