Sulli's Wrist Injury

I promise people hither aren't naive together with mean value Sulli's wrist is a uncomplicated injury. Just now, at that spot was a novel article on an interview of Seoul University Hospital's rep. Sulli was completely drunkard when she was admitted. They asked if she attempted a suicide together with she said no. But when people are drunkard together with lose control, they tend to brand momentary mistakes. Think logically. If it was only a wrist dislocation, create you lot mean value the Dr. volition inquire if it was a suicide attempt? An exclusive article past times Chosun Ilbo says her wrist was ripped past times 5cm, it's non a uncomplicated injury. The argue why Sulli posted a selca piece looking lax is because she managed to alter Choiza's mind. Isn't it obvious that a guy would instruct dorsum to his girl if she's trying to commit suicide?


Pann: I mean value this is the truth most Sulli...

1. [+118, -32] She herself said it's non true, why are you lot guys together with hence certain most it? Were you lot inward Sulli's head? Are you lot a fortune teller? A ghost? Believe her ain words.

2. [+104, -15] I used to run inward the amusement manufacture for a bit... According to what I've heard together with seen, I can't assist but mean value that Sulli's honesty is to a greater extent than normal than other woman mortal idols who are two-faced...

3. [+85, -20] She has the face, height, body, together with everything. But why her mental...

4. [+40, -3] It's random but this is the reality for people alongside the physiognomy of hers... The contrary sexual practice they halt upward alongside is actually crappy people together with they fifty-fifty examine to commit suicide for those... Why is her life similar this

5. [+31, -3] When the witness concern human relationship was get-go posted on MLBPARK, they said Sulli looked similar she was mentally hurt.

6. [+27, -2] But it does expect similar a suicide attempt. How tin dismiss your left wrist instruct ripped past times 5cm to the indicate where you lot tin dismiss come across the tendon? Left wrist, dawn, drunk, home... ㅠㅠ Whether it was a suicide endeavour or not, it must've wound a lot ㅠㅠ Let's only cheer for her.


Pann: Sulli tried to commit suicide

1. [+196, -14] Her wrist was cutting to the indicate to expose the tendon... It was done inward a "dawn" past times "accident"... No wonder why people mean value it's a suicide attempt.

2. [+164, -28] Honestly, create you lot mean value a careless accident tin dismiss rip a wrist past times 5cm? How tin dismiss you lot explicate this also a suicide endeavour ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+126, -8] You tin dismiss come across Choson Ilbo's exclusive article if you lot search "Sulli 5cm"

4. [+87, -3] You can't tell it was carelessness when Choiza's reps said they "can't expose the argue since it's personal"... Wouldn't they commonly tell it was a "simple injury"?

5. [+54, -0] The most useless affair is to worry most celebrities

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