Female Idols These Days Are Prettier Only Await Similar?

Pann: Am I the solely ane that feels this almost woman someone idols?

(OP says woman someone idols these days are much prettier but await similar)

1. [+196, -11] These days, you lot tin forcefulness out distinguish the 1st tier woman someone idols but you lot can't distinguish nugus at all. It's the same for manly someone idols.

2. [+168, -17] What? Idols got uglier, anybody tin forcefulness out debut equally an idol now.

3. [+107, -1] Of course. In this generation of endless idols, people aren't equally interested. Of shape you lot can't distinguish them.

4. [+77, -1] All girls article of apparel this trendy fruit makeup, bring long dyed hair, bring double eyelids, as well as are skinny. All boys bring monolids, dyed their hair, bring bangs, article of apparel thick makeup, as well as are skinny ㅋㅋ There's no characteristic.

5. [+70, -2] Since there's a lot of idols now, I experience similar I'm seeing schoolhouse kids. You tin forcefulness out come across a lot of soundless fights as well as dating ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+64, -8] They're uglier though ㅋㅋㅋㅋ In the past, at that spot used to hold upwards outstanding visuals but none these days. There isn't a visual flaw but at that spot isn't a strikingly pretty/handsome idol, either.

7. [+54, -5] The woman someone idols bring fine visuals but the manly someone idols are f*cking ugly... Even a guy who looks similar Hong Joon Pyo tin forcefulness out debut.

8. [+51, -11] At to the lowest degree the woman someone idols are similarly pretty. Whereas there's then many ugly manly someone idols.

9. [+42, -0] I intend it's because of the makeup. All 1st tier daughter groups article of apparel the same makeup. Their debut days were then much to a greater extent than plumbing equipment as well as pretty ㅠㅠ Twice as well as Red Velvet members fill upwards the tip of their eyes alongside eyeliner, set concealer on their aegyo fatty as well as set golden pearl eyeshadow on it, as well as article of apparel eyeshadow widely for innocent looks... The colors are similar, too. Twice members all bring the same makeup as well as same colors. Red Velvet tries to become for an innocent await then their eyeshadow looks messy as well as stuffy. Irene looked then much amend alongside her debut makeup of build clean cool-tone rather than broad eyeshadow as well as eyeliner tips. I don't sympathise why they brand her await stuffy. Because the eyeshadow is then wide, their faces await bigger as well as stuffy. I actually abhor this makeup style.

10. [+40, -1] Not only idols, but I intend it's to a greater extent than severe for actors these days. There isn't a strikingly pretty actress, they all await similar a friend of the principal woman someone character.

11. [+30, -8] I intend the idol scene is starting to flop. Who's going to hold upwards the 1st tier grouping without EXO as well as BTS?

12. [+26, -0] There's then many idols out there. It's a full carmine ocean.

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