Update Opinions That Are Against Jessica

Pann: The truth of Jessica in addition to SNSD


1. [+189, -28] What I'm disappointed the most is how she targeted the 8 members on Weibo. This is patently Jessica's error in addition to her wrongdoing. H5N1 lot of Jessica fans lost their trust because of this. In her official statement, she over again targeted the members. She never mentioned that she was the i who asked to acquire out get-go similar SM said in addition to she never clarified whatever rumors similar marriage. She was exclusively trying to appeal emotionally. Her official arguing was all virtually getting kicked out past times the fellowship in addition to the 8 members. If Jessica wanted to clarify the misunderstandings, in addition to thence she had to explicate the details but she only repeated what she said. Why didn't she advert how she asked to acquire out the group, how she brought her beau to every schedule, in addition to how she arrived a solar daytime earlier the fan coming together alongside her boyfriend? She exclusively repeated what she said in addition to targeted the members. And people are proverb that the 8 members kicked Jessica out because they were jealous of coin but practise you lot retrieve it makes sense? They already decided to surrender CFs when Jessica started her describe of piece of work concern because Jessica's describe of piece of work concern would endure a rival to the brands. But she had to hope that she wouldn't endure lax inwards SNSD's promotions. And isn't Jessica's demeanour patently lax inwards SNSD? What practise you lot hateful she got kicked out... Jessica was only trying to practise both in addition to she ended upwards beingness lax inwards i side. Not only beingness lax, but she also broke the promises she made alongside the members in addition to the fans. The members supported her when they were renewing their contracts in addition to she promised that SNSD would endure her get-go priority. It's Jessica who broke the promise. I actually don't empathise why the 8 members are getting hate. So frustrating.

2. [+157, -24] Is Jessica actually the victim? Most people are supporting Jessica in addition to I don't empathise it

3. [+151, -15] She was the i who talked virtually leaving the grouping first. Doesn't she consider how the members feel? Yeah it's truthful that she's kicked out in addition to SM in addition to SNSD are beingness hateful alongside it. But she's the primary argue of this situation... She's non solving out in addition to exclusively putting to a greater extent than dirt on it... Ugh

4. [+36, -7] I'm thence dumbfounded alongside the people who are proverb that she got kicked out because of money. It's non similar Jessica fed SNSD in addition to isn't Yoona the fellow member who earns the most? Do you lot retrieve the other members are non doing describe of piece of work concern because they're stupid? Do they non take away hold boyfriends? Some people are questioning why she can't practise a describe of piece of work concern when others are doing acting, diversity shows, radio, in addition to musical, ugh... Do you lot acquire how to obtain a driver's license inwards school? Compare what you lot tin compare. Running an online shopping site yet takes a lot of effort. She's opening an international store in addition to yet she also wants to promote inwards SNSD? Does this construct sense? The members know that the argue why Jessica wants to promote inwards SNSD afterward getting married is because she tin acquire a lot of benefits for her business, non for SNSD. The members know that for Jessica, SNSD is only for that

5. [+34, -5] It's true... I was supporting Jessica at get-go but equally I was thinking, I realized that Jessica is the i who back-stabbed them... SNSD is closed similar sisters but I retrieve this happened because Jessica was also greedy alongside describe of piece of work concern in addition to her boyfriend


Pann: Why Jessica got kicked out

1. [+109, -37] The final troublemaker Taeyeon. Unlike her cute looks, she's really cynical in addition to pessimistic. She has mood swings equally large equally Jessica's. She barely did her project equally a leader since SNSD's debut. The truthful leader is Sooyoung in addition to the i who takes activity is Tiffany. She's a leader but she gets really stressed alongside a province of affairs she can't handle. She easily gets affected alongside modest incidents in addition to she doesn't know what to do. She thinks she's the most pitiful in addition to lamentable somebody inwards the world

2. [+68, -25] Jessica betrayed the 8 members in addition to the fans get-go because of coin in addition to told them that she'll acquire out the group. She's running a describe of piece of work concern of her ain when she's inwards a group, which is against describe of piece of work concern ethics. So it's truthful that she should acquire out the grouping get-go earlier running a business. Why did she start her describe of piece of work concern earlier leaving, ugh what a babo... Anyways, I experience bad for SNSD members who are betrayed past times Jessica. I'm non a fan but fifty-fifty I experience disappointed

3. [+58, -17] The primary work of this province of affairs is from Jessica but the 8 members are seen equally the bitches. She keeps emphasizing that she got kicked out but she's the i who wanted to acquire out first. This is why Jessica is non mentioning virtually it

4. [+31, -1] It'll shortly endure revealed that Tyler Kwon has no abilities... Jessica is beingness used... She should acquire her hands off of the describe of piece of work concern or else she'll take away hold to pay for the loss

5. [+25, -11] It's truthful that approximately SNSD members can't endure controlled... The uncontrollable members Jessica, Hyoyeon in addition to Taeyeon are taking turns to motion controversies... Jessica is exclusively skillful to those who are her friends. Her park personalities are unpleasant in addition to she has mood swings. If she doesn't similar something, in addition to thence she'll examine to quit no thing what. She has no patience. She's had complicated relationships alongside men since she was a trainee. If she falls for something, she'll dig into it actually hard. The argue why this province of affairs got thence large is because non only of Tyler Kwon, but she had uncertainty of SNSD's promotions


Pann: Taeyeon cries at Jessica's official statement

1. [+204, -50] She lost people's trust afterward TaengKoong

2. [+187, -103] What a joke ㅋㅋㅋ Why is she crying when they're the ones who kicked Jessica out ㅋㅋ What a show

3. [+118, -151] She could've targeted Jessica because she felt betrayed at how Jessica didn't cash inwards one's chips along her promises. Maybe she cried because the members tried to back upwards Jessica in addition to yet they're seen equally the bad ones. I don't know virtually TaengKoong but I empathise why she's crying this time

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