Hollywood: Nicolas Cage

Article: Hollywood histrion Nicolas Cage is a manlike mortal bring upward over again at 58... married adult woman '30 years his junior' gives birth

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+220] His married adult woman is younger than his boy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+147] Wait, I idea his married adult woman was Korean..

3. [+126] The Korean version of him is Kim Yong Gun-ajusshi!

4. [+57] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Is he simply collecting Asians now

5. [+35] This is crazy dumb 😢

6. [+18] I idea he was Cage-seobang (son-in-law) this whole time... straightaway he's not?

7. [+29] His xanthous fever bothers me to a greater extent than than these big historic current gaps 🤔

8. [+9] I idea he didn't accept whatever coin left afterward all the divorce alminonies...

9. [+4] Cage hyungnim certain loves Asian women

10. [+1] They await similar immature lady in addition to manlike mortal bring upward ㅎㅎ it's clear at this shout for that his desires are taking priority over objectivity in addition to reason

11. [+7] Gross


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