Suriname Seeks Legal Activeness Against 'Narco-Saints' For Offensive Portrayal Of Their Country

Article: Suriname government minister "Netflix's 'Narco-Saints' has tainted the icon of our province amongst drugs... nosotros volition survive taking legal action"

Source: YTN via Naver

1. [+750, -15] They're basically shout for to survive paid off

2. [+403, -10] This would survive understandable if the drama made upwardly something that never happened but everything that happened was true

3. [+244, -8] Or they tin post away role this every bit an chance to alter their icon since the drama is giving them complimentary publicity

4. [+53, -7] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ But everything that happened is truthful ㅋㅋ

5. [+45, -1] Then why is United Mexican States too Republic of Colombia staying tranquility amongst all of their depictions inwards other media?

6. [+30, -0] The grapheme played yesteryear Hwang Jung Min all the same exists too lives inwards hiding inwards Suriname. I bet he lobbied the ministers to sue the drama.

7. [+30, -5] Suriname should survive paying us for getting their cite out at that topographic point inwards the world

8. [+23, -0] I didn't fifty-fifty know this province existed until today

9. [+21, -1] I tin post away empathise why they're upset... it's only similar how Koreans are annoyed whenever movies pull our province every bit dog-eaters. It's only that the facts are what they are too can't survive denied...

10. [+13, -3] Let's survive real, I bet the bulk of the viewers didn't fifty-fifty know this province existed

11. [+13, -4] What is this government minister thinking? ㅋㅋ He tin post away drive to sue but they'll lose... a drama's only a drama. And Netflix is giving yous complimentary publicity to boot.

12. [+10, -2] The drama should've only made upwardly a fictional province instead of naming itself subsequently individual else's province (TN: The drama's Korean championship is 'Suriname')

13. [+11, -4] While watching, I did intend that it was an unfair portrayal of another's country. The US of America is portrayed every bit existence difficult on drugs amongst a potent constabulary forcefulness when their citizens are dying to drugs only every bit much every bit whatever other country.

14. [+7, -0] If that's the case, too therefore United Mexican States should convey a ton of lawsuits opened upwardly amongst the US of America for how their movies constantly portray them

15. [+7, -1] But what did your authorities create for the remain at habitation wives who were existence used every bit drug mules without knowing a affair too existence arrested en masse? 


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